~ Chapter Eighteen ~

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"If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive."

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"You need to calm down." Albus chuckled, placing a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder early the next day. "I'm not mad at you. You don't need to treat me like I'm going to pass out if you don't do everything for me."

Scorpius was red, mopping up the spilt pumpkin juice with napkins before vanishing the mess with magic. He'd been so desperate to pour Albus a drink he'd spilt it all over the white tablecloth.

"You are the most important thing in this room, I don't think you realise that." Scorpius mumbled when he sat back down, stirring his cereal aimlessly.

Albus assumed his friend's unusual sadness was due to their argument, as Scorpius seemed quieter than usual.

"You're certainly showing me that. Now, eat your food." Albus smiled softly, squeezing his friend's shoulder before dropping his hand to his toast.

It had been a late night for the duo. They'd been talking and crying, mainly about the incident that happened earlier that day, but about a few other things too. Scorpius was still ashamed of himself, but was now very determined to make it up to his boyfriend in any way possible. Albus found it adorable, despite still having a little prickle of anger in his heart.

Lily wandered up to the duo with two heavy, brown sacks in her hands.

"Hey, Albus." She mumbled from behind her brother, too frightened to talk to his best friend. She placed the bags on the floor beside her friend and looked at her brother.

"What've you got there?" Albus asked, unable to keep the slight bitterness from his voice.

"My winnings." She glanced at Scorpius, who seemed too frightened to look at her too. She twirled her red curls around her finger and watched as the duo inspected the bags.

"I don't want it." Scorpius mumbled, remembering that they were technically his now. The girl had promised to give them to her friend, despite him not wanting them in the first place.

"Thank you." Albus said, turning back to his breakfast. Scorpius shared a look with Lily, who was twisting her fingers nervously.

"Can I talk to you, Al?" Lily asked hopefully, her voice wavering.

"Sure." The brunette sighed before standing up and following the girl out of the hall. Lily wasn't entirely sure of what to say, she'd gone over it a few times in her head but still felt as if she would be shunned no matter what.

"I know 'I'm sorry' doesn't cut it." Lily mumbled, unable to look her older brother in the eye. Albus' frown dropped as he listened, he was still annoyed with the girl, but he didn't want her to beat herself up about an apology.

He crossed his arms, trying not to tense up as he did.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness, either. What I made Scorpius do wasn't right and I know that. I do. I just hoped I could make a bad situation better. I've never seen you so happy, I wanted it to stay that way. I-I hoped that Scorpius would get a chance to talk to you first, but they were badgering me about kissing him before Scorpius got the chance. I'm really, really s-sorry, Albus." Lily's voice wavered throughout her speech, but she kept the tears away as well as she could. She didn't want to cry, it wasn't her turn.

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