~ Chapter Eleven ~

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— 2020 Authors Note —
I was reading this, and there's this part that genuinely made me go WAIT, WHAT IS FUCK GOING ON?
It's poorly executed, but enjoy :)

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"All my bad days turn to good days when I see your smile."

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Albus was sitting on one of the worn tables in the Slytherin common room, cringing at the overwhelming muscular pain ruining his shoulder. It hurt to move and his arm felt heavy, unfortunately, he still had to finish his essay. Therefore, he bit back the pain and continued to write.

To say he had a bad day was an understatement, it was quite possibly one of the worst days of his life. He'd been taunted relentlessly by half of their year level for spending most of his time without Scorpius, but considering they didn't have many classes together that day he hadn't had time to whine about it.

It was ironic that the day after they started dating, they'd seen each other twice. However, Albus couldn't pretend space was a bad thing. He knew it was good they weren't always around each other, as he'd been told that could lead to incredibly unhealthy relationships. He wouldn't die if he didn't see Scorpius for a few hours, but they wouldn't be enjoyable.

He didn't see why everyone had to involve themselves in relationships that didn't involve them, but he assumed that is just what teenagers do. They'd probably never seen two boys actually fall in love before, considering most people his age at Hogwarts were still having flings that didn't survive a week. He found himself grateful he and Scorpius were taking their time, it made communication easier.

He huffed and rubbed his shoulder, distracted once more by the thought of tomorrow. He was incredibly excited, it was Scorpius' seventeenth birthday. The blond was lucky his birthday fell on a weekend as he was planning on making it as enjoyable as possible. Scorpius deserved a day where all focus was on him, considering everything he did was for other people.

He hissed in pain when he began to write again, wondering if there was a chance Madam Pomfrey could take away the pain for him, it felt like his arm was being torn off every time he moved his head.

Sticking his tongue between his teeth to hide the discomfort lasted around three minutes because Scorpius had slammed his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders to scare him. He succeeded, Albus jumped in his seat and let out a quiet yell before whimpering.

"What's wrong?" Scorpius asked, sliding into the seat beside the brunet with a concerned frown. He took his friend's hand quietly, searching Albus' face for an answer.

"My shoulder is killing me! I don't know what I did to it, but it hurts like hell." The brunet whined, tilting his head to the side before putting his free hand over the aching area. He felt bad for instantly dampening the mood when they'd only exchanged about thirty words that day but knew Scorpius wouldn't mind.

The Malfoy rose to his feet once again, gently returning his hands to his lover's shoulders. He didn't say anything, just gently began to rub the tense shoulders of his lover in hope of numbing some of the pain. He understood what it felt like, sometimes his shoulder was ruined from the copious amount of writing he did on a daily basis.

"Where does it hurt?" He asked after a moment, pretending to not be partly feeling up the raven-haired boy sitting in front of him while massaging. Wordlessly, Albus reached his hand over his shoulder and guided the pale hands running across his aching limb to the problem area.

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