~ Chapter Ten ~

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Being in a relationship isn't about the kissing, dates or presents. It's about being with someone who makes you happy in a way nobody else can."

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Want to play truth or dare?"

"Is that the only game you know of?" Scorpius smiled at his brunet friend, grinning in response to the embarrassed smile that covered the boy's face.

They were sitting in the Slytherin stands of the Quidditch pitch, watching James zoom around and tell off other players on his team. Unsurprisingly, he'd let Lily join in the training that night. She'd been begging her elder brother for a turn and he'd finally given in. The saddest part: she was better than most keepers on the team that had been playing for years. The other team members were unhappy with the new arrangement but were forced to accept the teen's advice by their captain.

Albus ran his hand through his hair, smiling at the blond beside him. It was freezing from the steadily falling snow, but he couldn't deny that Scorpius looked beautiful. Small snowflakes were dusted through his hair, contrasting with his white-blond hair. Although Scorpius was pale, he was still tanner than the snow, which was something he boasted about to his mesmerised crush at every opportunity.

"No, but it's the only interesting one I know." Albus said, rolling his eyes playfully before resuming his dreamy gaze on Scorpius. The Malfoy noticed this and tried not to make his flushing too apparent, instead looking at their interlaced fingers on his lap.

"If you wish." Scorpius smiled, squeezing the hand in his. In comparison to Albus, he really did appear quite pale. He found it quite humorous how different the two were, inside and out, despite the fact they were always raving about the same things.

"Yes! Okay, I'm going first."

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Shush!" Albus said, tugging on Scorpius' hand in attempt to quieten him. "Truth or–"

"Truth." The blond's smile was mischievous. Albus got incredibly passionate about playing the game properly at times, so messing him was the best thing you could do.

"Stop! I wasn't finished asking. Truth or dare?"


"Chicken." Scorpius shot him a glare before elbowing the brunet in the ribs. "Sorry, well, not really. Anyway, would you actually date Lily?" The question had been on Albus' mind since it was first asked on Christmas, but he'd never found a good way to bring it up once more.



"It depends. I mean, she's funny and kind. She's a good friend, but I wouldn't actively go after her. I'm more attracted to boys, anyway. I'm not completely against the idea, but it would be a little weird. I'd wouldn't say I'd definitely say yes is she asked me out, but I wouldn't say no either. It really depends... but it doesn't matter anyway. I like you, you don't need to be paranoid about me going for your sister." Scorpius rambled, Albus listened with open ears and nodded at the end.


"Has that been bugging you since Christmas?"

"Kind of, yeah."

"Just ask me next time, dork. Truth or dare?"


"Chicken." Scorpius mocked, Albus hit him. "How'd you become so close with James?"

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