~ Chapter Five ~

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A/N: As usual, Scorpius cries a lot. Apologies in advance! Also, I haven't proofread the edit, sorry for mistakes!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Sometimes: it's not the butterflies that tell you you're in love,
but the pain."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Rose Granger-Weasley is an incredibly good listener, especially when you've just suffered a merciless heartbreak.

She hadn't judged, laughed or teased Scorpius when she had found him crying in the empty Transfiguration classroom, she had just let him sob and while she consoled him.


Scorpius was distraught. He'd been attempting to hide in the library, hoping to read his pain away. However, he hadn't make it there before he had burst into tears. He'd slipped into the first room he'd seen, unaware of Rose Granger-Weasley bouncing towards him. He'd collapsed against the wall, burying his head in his hands.

"Scorpius?" Rose asked, gently pushing open the door to the hideaway the blond had created. "What's wrong?"

She sat beside him, careful to shut the door after herself. She didn't like Scorpius very much, but had come to accept he made her cousin happy. It hurt her to see anyone cry — it didn't matter if it was Malfoy or not. She had an urge to make him feel better and she was prepared to help in any way she could.

Scorpius couldn't control himself, he didn't push the comfort away like usual. He welcomed it, telling himself it was okay to hurt...—just this once.


"I just found out the person I'm interested in is whipped for somebody else." Scorpius mumbled, sinking into Rose's embrace as she wrapped an arm around the blonde's shoulders. She felt bad for him, she'd suffered her own fair share of heartbreaks and knew how much it hurt. "I was foolish to think I had a chance, but it stings... so much."

Rose listened quietly, rubbing the blond's arm.

"Who is it?" She coaxed gently. Scorpius considered the consequences of telling her, after deliberation ruling them out. He needed someone to talk to, who better than his heartbreaker's cousin?

"Albus." Scorpius muttered miserably, wiping his eyes.

Rose wasn't surprised, she'd seen the way they'd looked at each other. Everyone was basically counting down the days until the duo got together, but this was the plot twist she hadn't expected.

"He doesn't? Scorpius... are you sure?" She asked, searching for traces of a joke.

She was disappointed when the boy nodded, wiping his eyes. It was quite possibly the saddest thing she'd ever seen. Here the blond was, begging for a boy to love him when she knew Albus already did. Scorpius deserved love, in fact, he and Albus both deserved love.

They both deserved the love they were too scared to give each other.

"He asked me what I smelt in my love potion," Scorpius explained, his voice cracking. "So I told him, I didn't lie! What he told me didn't make sense if he were to like me."


"I hate honey."

The duo sat in silence for a while before Rose attempted to get Scorpius to smile. She said Scorpius deserved better, which stung him with a bittersweet pain. She had complained about how horrifically oblivious her cousin was, stating he clearly didn't know anything about dating if he couldn't see how amazing Scorpius was. It made the blond feel better, but that didn't change his heart being broken.

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