~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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TW: I don't know if I need to put a trigger warning for this chapter, but if you're sensitive about any kind of predatory behaviour when it comes to romantic encounters please avoid it. Nothing bad happens, it's nothing detailed at all, just concerning x

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"You know you love someone when the thought of looking them makes you so scared it brings you to tears."

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Scorpius was walking through the halls with James. They'd run into each other after class and the brunet had felt the need to ask him his questions. Conveniently, Albus had been dragged off by Rose right after class, leaving James and Scorpius alone. The blond had answered all the questions as carefully as possible, trying his hardest not to pry into the Potter's life.

"I'm so ready for lunch," James said, his stomach rumbling loudly.

Scorpius laughed. "I'm starving."

Suddenly, they were joined by a tall, rowdy blond who seemed to be one of James' friends. He'd never met any of the Potter children's mates before, they'd never been in the same place at the same time.

"You should've seen the look on her face!" The boy laughed, his voice was deeper than Scorpius had expected. He didn't know if James was expecting him to leave, as he still hadn't been noticed by their new companion.

"Who's face?" James asked.

"Wilson's! Leon thought it'd be funny to prank her — it was hilarious."

"What did you do?" James said, offering the younger blond beside him a welcoming smile. There was no point in Scorpius leaving when they were going to the same place, besides, he wanted to introduce them.

"Got Peeves to dump mud on her, then Myrtle flooded her bathroom and she slipped in the water when running off. She thinks she's covered in shit; her boyfriend was there too and the look on his face...– it was just so funny."

"That doesn't sound funny, that sounds cruel."

The boy frowned at Scorpius, studying him with a bored expression. Clearly, he was disinterested Scorpius couldn't care less, he probably thought it was an insult.

"When did you start hanging out with Slytherins?"

"He's Albus' friend," James explained, wrapping his arm around the shorter boy's shoulders defensively.

"Moldy's Kid?"

"Yeah, that's me." He snapped bitterly, glancing between James and his friend. He was disgusted still angered by the way this boy had embarrassed the poor girl.

"This is Liam." James sighed. The blond saluted quickly, soon raising his eyes to James' and giving an exasperated look.

"Pleasure to meet you." Scorpius said blankly, "Is she okay?"

"Is who okay?" Liam asked, seemingly trying to get his friend away from the nerd he was with.

"Wilson, the girl you hurt?" James said, sharing a displeased look with Scorpius. The Potter only involved himself in pranks that were harmless, like putting salt in Lily's pumpkin juice or turning the stairs into slides. He hated doing anything actually mean, but often had no choice.

Liam shrugged. "Why does it matter? She'll survive."

"It wasn't a nice thing to do." Scorpius shot back, not giving up easily. As he was bullied every day, he knew what it felt like to be publicly embarrassed and degraded. He wouldn't wish it upon anyone, it really affected a person.

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