~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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"If I could give you one thing in life, it would be the ability for you to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realise how important you are to me."

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Scorpius had never been so excited for a day in his life — that was saying something. When a usually hyperactive and bubbly teen is so happy their smile could make the toughest man on earth cry, you know something good is happening. Although to Albus the day wasn't very important, the blond couldn't be more enthusiastic to make his boyfriend's birthday the best one yet.

Unfortunately, Scorpius hadn't slept well the night before. He had been tossing and turning for ages before he gave up any hope of falling asleep. He glanced at the clock, deciding it wasn't early enough to get ready for their classes. Instead, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, throwing his covers off of himself to rise from his bed.

He stumbled over to Albus' in the darkness, sliding under the covers quietly. He smiled when arms instantly wrapped around him. He'd been creeping into Albus' bed of a morning for the past two weeks and to nobody's surprise, the Potter didn't mind one bit. By this point, the duo had been dating for around two months and although most barriers still weren't broken, the idea of sharing beds clearly had been.

Albus smiled sleepily, his mind reaching the correct conclusion when he felt another body in his bed. The familiar scent of cinnamon filled his nose as he lazily threw his arms around Scorpius' shoulders, pulling him closer. Although his slumber was light, he continued to sleep like a rock until he was woken by Scorpius pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Happy Birthday, Pretty-Boy." Scorpius smiled, running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair.

Albus smiled dreamily, pressing an uncoordinated kiss to his lover's cheek. He blushed slightly at the nickname, frowning when Scorpius sat up. He pushed his eyes open and yawned, grinning up at his boyfriend.

"Mornin'," Albus said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes before leaning over into his boyfriend's embrace. Scorpius wrapped his arms around the shorter boy, resting his chin on the mess of black hair on his head.

"Good morning." Scorpius leaned down to kiss his crush, still perfect and unexplainable. He didn't think he'd ever get over that feeling.

Albus smiled against Scorpius' lips, pulling away to press a hesitant kiss to the boy's neck before taking the block of chocolate in his fingers.

"Thank you." Albus smiled, his smile was wide and toothy. He instantly unwrapped the block and bit into it with no shame, surprised he wasn't instantly reprimanded by his lover for the very unhealthy choice of breakfast. "You're not going to tell me off?"

"It's your birthday, if you want to feel sick today I'm not going to stop you."

"Want some?"

"Only because you offered." Scorpius took the bar from his boyfriend's fingers and bit into it.

Albus shuffled away to gape at the large pile of presents at the end of his bed. Upon closer inspection, he frowned.

"I hate you."

"That's a very kind thing to say to the boy who supplied you with chocolate for breakfast."

"Half of these are from you."

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