~ Chapter Seventeen ~

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You guys have all been so sweet about this book despite it being so old in my eyes. Thank you so much for 1K reads! I really can't wait to release the newest fic I've been working on, you guys make me so excited <3 it's taking such a long time because it's so complicated and challenging to manoeuvre. Feel free to ask any questions here :)
Love you all so much!!

─── 。゚ : *. .* :☆゚. ───

"It wasn't your fault, it was mine. I shouldn't have believed everything you said."

─── 。゚ : *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Scorpius, I need to talk to you. It's very important." Lily said, racing after Scorpius as he charged through the halls. He stopped when he noticed her so that she could catch up to him.

"Hey, Lily!" The blond grinned, turning to look over his shoulder at the girl chasing him.

She pulled on his hand so he would stop for her and with a frown, he turned to face her. He had told her if she ever needed someone to talk to that he was there, so he knew better than to tell her was busy.

"I need to tell you something," Lily said, running a hand through her red hair before biting her lip. Scorpius was very concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"There's a bet circulating about you and Albus." She said quickly.

"What?" Scorpius' anger was clear in his tone. His eyebrows shot into his hairline as his mouth dropped open. "What about?"

"That specific people will be able to cause cheating," Lily said, putting a hand on the boy's shoulders. "Carson bet 100 galleons you'd bang him."

Scorpius' shoulders slumped in angered defeat. He had been so confused as to why everyone had been all over him and his boyfriend recently, but now he knew why. They'd very obviously been hitting on the duo, but now it was confirmed. Scorpius guessed they'd just have to be honest, he didn't want to cheat on Albus. He couldn't, especially when he loved the boy so much.

"Thanks, Lily," Scorpius said, pulling his bag higher on his shoulder.

"I know you'll say no, but..." Lily said, twisting her fingers.

"Tell me," Scorpius shot quickly, hoping they could find a tame way to end the bet.

"I bet them 500 galleons you'd kiss me by lunchtime..." Lily started, "I know it was wrong. It was the only thing I could think of! If you're completely against the idea, I understand. I'd give you all the winnings, you'd be able to explain to Albus. I know it seems like a worst-case-scenario choice, but I doubt they'll give up anytime soon."

Scorpius took in her words, running a hand through his hair before letting out a sigh. None of her ideas seemed like a good idea, but she was right. They probably wouldn't give up anytime soon, they'd continue to chase the duo until they got what they wanted. He didn't want to do this, it could ruin the beautiful relationship between the boys. It was one of the only reasons Scorpius was happy, his romance with Albus brightened up all his darkest days.

However, they couldn't run forever. Eventually, one of them would have to cheat. Scorpius knew it would be better sooner, rather than later. Who knows how long it had been going on anyway? Perhaps it had been a day, but it seemed like it had been two months at most.

Maybe it would calm Albus if he did. Maybe, if the bet was over, they could be free. Obviously, he would have to tell his boyfriend about this bet, which would only increase his lover's fear of being cheated on. If Albus was always worried Scorpius was being unfaithful, he would never grow any trust in the blond. Perhaps it would be for the better.

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