~ Chapter Seven ~

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"Always trust before you love, as love is nothing without trust."

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"How've your holidays been?" Albus asked, watching the glittery white snow crunch under his boots as he and Scorpius walked

The open fields surrounding the Weasley residence were dusted with white snow, littered with the footprints of wildlife that had dashed across the ice. Thick, grey clouds covered the sky, threatening to cover the small town of Ottery St. Catchpole in another layer of tiny snowflakes.

"Brilliant! Your family is hilarious!" Scorpius smiled, sliding his hands into his pockets to keep them warm as he didn't have any gloves. Albus noticed this and bit his lip as he'd been about to reach for it moments before. He quickly raised a hand to his hair, running his fingers through the black mess.

"I'm glad you're having fun, my family can be such weirdos, though."

Scorpius shrugged in response and smiled. Shyly, he ran his hand through his blond hair before flattening it. Perhaps it was because he'd seen Albus do it moments before. He let his eyes scan the area, landing at last on the little muggle town in the distance.

"Can we please go there?" Scorpius' eyes were wide with hope, Albus couldn't imagine himself denying his friend's request.

"If you hold my hand," Albus smirked, shooting a sideways stare at Scorpius who flushed immediately. The Malfoy wasn't used to flirting of any kind, especially from his crush, but it filled his chest with a fuzzy warmth.

"Is that it? I would've expected a higher price than t-that!" Scorpius stammered. He had tried to be as confident as Albus but was aware he failed miserably.

Albus was going to shoot back another smart reply when he noticed Scorpius' flustered reaction: he had put his head in his hands to hide his blood-flushed cheeks. The sparkle in his admirer's eyes couldn't be darkened as Albus wrapped an arm around the blond's shoulders.

"Is your face cold?" The smile on the Potter's face was kind and gentle. He pulled Scorpius to his side without a second thought.

Scorpius spent the next hour gaping at things in shop windows and pulling Albus inside bookstores. The brunet watched with a smile, finding the excitement radiating from his crush rather adorable. Scorpius was bouncing with happiness, occasionally asking what a particular object was for, such as a mobile phone or cash-register.

Albus shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket to stop them from going numb, however, it was to no avail. He was over hunched slightly as he traipsed after Scorpius, attempting to contain as much heat as he could. He didn't want to be the person to cease his crush's excitement, but he knew that he'd soon have to call quits, it was incredibly cold.

"Are you done looking around?" Albus asked Scorpius, his teeth chattering slightly. The blond smiled and linked arms with his friend, surprised when the boy's hand was revealed to encase his. Scorpius interlaced their fingers, wondering if Albus usually had cold hands.

"Yes, I believe so! It's brilliant, muggles are so incredibly fascinating. Thank you."

Scorpius leaned over and pressed his lips to Albus' cheek affectionately, trying to show his gratitude in the simplest way possible. He didn't miss the dorky grin that grew on his friend's face in response and wished he could paste it there forever.

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