~ Chapter Twelve ~

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"Suddenly, you know that it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings."

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Albus woke up with his arms wrapped around his beloved boyfriend. It was a strange but beautiful scene, he would quite happily stay there forever. Scorpius was tangled so perfectly in his arms Albus pondered if he belonged there. He yawned behind his hand before shifting slightly, running his fingers through the messy blond hair on his friend's head. A sleepy smile took over the teen's face, it melted Albus' heart in a way he couldn't quite describe.

He carefully slid out of his bed, as he had things planned for his best friend's birthday he was yet to prepare. He pulled on Scorpius' green jumper before slipping on his shoes, a quick glance at the clock telling him it was half past seven. He didn't fear being seen in plaid pyjama pants wandering the halls of Hogwarts, so he didn't bother changing clothes.

Unconsciously, his eyes flickered to his friend's bed for reassurance. He'd momentarily forgotten where the boy was but smiled at the pile of presents on the end of the freshly made four-poster. The house elves must've cleaned it for him earlier that morning. He was grateful Scorpius didn't have to make his bed, which he would have done considering he hated living in a mess. Who cleans on their birthday?

He silently slipped out of the dorm into the cold common room, shoving his hands into his pockets to protect them from frost. He made his way to the kitchens, leaning up to tickle the pear in the painting like James had instructed. His jaw dropped in amazement when his eyes scanned the kitchen.

Hundreds of house elves were working busily at breakfast, the smells wafting in his direction increasing his hunger immediately. The food looked amazing, a wide variety of pies and pastries littering tables.

"Hello, Sir!" A few small house elves squeaked from beside him, he hadn't even noticed they were there. They were smiling, food smeared on their clean rags from breakfast preparation. "What can we get for you?"

He contemplated the answer, wondering what Scorpius would like most. There were hundreds of options, but the boy would eat anything. He didn't want to take too long, hoping that his boyfriend was still sound asleep in the dorm.

"Can I please have two serves of pancakes?" Albus asked hopefully, feeling a twinge of guilt about asking this of them despite it being their job.

"Of course!" They chorused before wandering off to help with his request. Albus ran a finger through his hair and yawned once more, regretting not asking for coffee when he'd asked for his food.

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Scorpius woke up tangled in his lover's covers, alone. He frowned and sat up, instantly wrapping his arms around his knees for warmth. It was always freezing in the dungeons but Albus was so warm he hadn't stolen his jumper back.

He wondered where Albus was but assumed that he was just in the shower. When the boy shuffled in with a plate of pancakes seconds later, he was utterly bewildered. He was hiding something behind his back, which made Scorpius sceptical.

"Happy Birthday!" Albus beamed, "Could you, uh... shut your eyes for a second?"

He did as he was asked, listening carefully to the shuffling beside him until Albus kissed his cheek. His eyes fluttered open in response, the usual smile growing on his face. The massive plate in Albus' hands was given to him, drenched in maple syrup with melting scoops of cold ice-cream on the top. Scorpius was still incredibly surprised and couldn't keep the smile off his face.

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