~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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"Never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you're right there."

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"Hey, Scorpius! Albus." Nicholas said, charging up to the duo after Potions one day while they were walking to their next class. The Hufflepuff smiled at his new friend, his eyes twinkling.

"Hey, Nicholas." Scorpius smiled, pulling his bag higher onto his shoulder. Nicholas noticed the subtle changes in his friend's personality since the last time they'd spoken. The Slytherin seemed more confident and stood a little taller. Albus crossed his arms, almost shrinking slightly. It seemed the two had switched personalities, despite that being impossible.

"See you later, Scorp. Enjoy Arithmancy." Albus said hesitantly, not overjoyed to leave Nicholas with his boyfriend despite having no choice.

"Bye, Al!"

"How's life treating you?" The Hufflepuff asked, watching his shoes while he walked.

"Pretty good, actually. Yourself?"

"That's great! Happy Birthday for Saturday, too. I haven't seen you , to be able to say it." Nicholas smiled.

"Thank you."

Scorpius appreciated how easy it was to talk to the brunet. He spent most of his life hiding from people who made his pure existence uncomfortable, so it felt nice to be welcomed by someone outside his friends.

"I know this might seem strange, but I wanted to ask you something."

Scorpius frowned. "Feel free."

"I was wondering if you'd be able to help me with our DADA homework sometime, I struggle in that subject and you seem to be really smart."

"Of course! I'll come find you after dinner, we can go to the library and finish it tonight. Then you don't have to worry about it."

"Thank you so much." Nicholas smiled, truly appreciative that Scorpius was planning on helping him.

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"I don't understand why it's a big deal, that's all." Scorpius said with a frown, watching Albus out of the corner of his eye whilst raising a food-filled fork to his lips. "I'm not going to make out with him, if that's what's worrying you."

Their conversation was drowned out by the other students in the Great Hall enjoying their dinner. Albus had just been informed Scorpius was helping Nicholas study after their meal and felt slightly uneasy.

"I know you won't... I just—" Albus gave up with a sigh and began re-mashing his potatoes with his fork.

"I thought you had Quidditch with James, anyway?" Scorpius said, slightly irritated his boyfriend was making a big deal out of a small issue.

"I do, but I wanted you to come with me."

"I'll come next time, I promise."

"Yeah... okay." Albus' shoulders drooped sadly. He didn't like the idea of Nicholas and Scorpius alone in the library. It wasn't that he didn't trust Scorpius, but there was nothing about the Hufflepuff he believed to be genuine.

The blond, sensing an argument brewing, lowered his hand onto his boyfriend's shoulder. "It'll be fine, I promise. I won't kiss him, I won't let him kiss me. He's my friend and nothing more."

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