~ Chapter Eight ~

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"Nothing makes me happier than seeing your smile and knowing I was the one who made it appear."

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"But that sounds so boring!" Albus whined, crossing his arms across his chest. James watched his little brother with a frown, wondering how mature the boy really was.

"Newsflash," James huffed, pulling the strap of his Quidditch gloves tighter in annoyance. "I don't care! I'm sick of mum and dad badgering me about your grades."

Albus huffed through his nose, his eyes sliding to look at the wall opposite him rather than his elder brother's face. He knew he didn't have very good marks, but they were getting better. He was irritated his parents didn't seem to notice. If it wasn't for Scorpius, he wouldn't even bother submitting his work.

"Tell them to stop, then. Tell them that it's not your issue." Albus ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it slightly. James smirked, he saw lots of himself in his brother and he was proud.

"I've tried, it's almost like telling grandma that you aren't hungry."


"We can talk after practise, dork."

Albus threw himself onto a seat in the Slytherin stands, watching as spirals of warmth escaped his mouth. He blew a few more times out of pure boredom before wrapping his arms around himself for warmth.

He knew he shouldn't have been so aggressive towards James, after all, his brother was only doing what he was told. That didn't stop him feeling slightly betrayed, he and James had always been a team against their parents.

"Enjoying your pity party?" Lily asked as she slid into the stands beside him, handing a block of chocolate to her favourite brunet brother.

"Quite the opposite, actually."

"What's wrong now?" Lily asked, huddling up to the boy for warmth. Albus wrapped an arm around his younger sister's shoulders and smiled slightly, happy he had someone to rant to that wasn't his irritated older brother.

"Mum and dad are telling James to make me study." Albus whined, rubbing his face with his free hand before stuffing it into the pocket of Scorpius' jumper. He smiled slightly, doubting anyone but his crush knew he had stolen it.

"Oh no," Lily mocked, giggling slightly. "It'll kill you."

"It will! I don't have that much concentration."

"James said your grades are getting better when he was whinging to me yesterday, so you must be trying a little harder?"

"That's because Scorpius makes me study."

"Then study with Scorpius? You get to spend more time with him, which I'm sure you're happy about." Lily turned her eyes towards the training they were supposed to be watching, waving at her eldest brother when their eyes met.

Albus glared at the side of her head. He didn't have enough patience for studying, no matter how hard he tried. He's tried many different ways, none of them had worked. Why keep trying to do something when you know you're bad at it? He was the Slytherin Squib, maybe that was how it was supposed to be.

Without looking, Lily elbowed her brother in the ribs.

"Don't glare at me, I was being honest!"

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