1: your voice

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It was just another day for the brunet boy. He was walking towards school with his best friend who was talking about him meeting someone.

"he was so charming, his eyes were so beautiful and the smile, oh my god!" Jimin said talking about his little date. 

"Thats so nice Chim. whats his name?"

"he said his name was Yoongi" jimin said thinking a bit. 

"Im happy you found someone."

"im not in a relationship yet!" Jimin said quickly. but it ended up like he was trying to cover the fact he kinda wanted to be in a relationship.

"hmm alright" taehyung said chuckling. they entered through the school gated heading inside.

"So i will see you in music class again" Jimin said while he helped taehyung get the correct books from his locker. He always was there to help his friend out before he left him for his own class. Taehyung was thankful for such a good friend ad jimin.

"Yes, see you!" taehyung smiled and zipped his bag closed heading for his first class. He knows the layout of the school so he knew which way he should go, to be more exact on his walking he always traced the wall with his fingertips making sure he didnt miss the entrance of the classroom.

the school had offered him a transfer to a school for disabled people who offered school  to blind kids too. but taehyung refused. this was his exam year and he wanted to finish it. He just needed to work harder and be creative with some parts. So far he managed to work on his things. 


After a boring long class he was finnaly in music class. His favorite. He loved music. ever since his sight failed him he began to treasure sound more. He likes to head music and sounds of the nature around him, he doesnt remember faces but he does remember the sound of their voice when he meets someone. Everyone got their own sound in his ears. 

Taehyung liked to sing, something you didnt need your eyes for to do. He would just enjoy being with the sound and sing whatever he liked to. It was his moment on a day. a moment he felt somewhat normal. Jimin really encouraged him to keep going saying he was very good. 

"Come on you really need to become a singer" Jimin said once again to his friend after hearing him sing.

"I dont think im that good Chim, Its just a hobby" taehyung said getting a bit shy by his friend complimenting him.

"Yes you are!" Jimin said hopping off stage he was sitting on. "sing again"

"You should, you are way better than me" 

"i am a dancer, now sing i want to record it" Jimin said smiling like a supporting best friend he is, he had his phone in his hand and stood in front of Taehyung.

"I wish i could see you dance..."

"dont...stop." jimin said he didnt want to cry at school. Everytime taehuyng said something like that jimin got emotional, he elft bad for hi friend who suddenly lost his sight.

"Sorry..." taehuyng sighed and sat down feeling where the stage was with his hand before resting his weight down.

"You are doing amazing under it. Dont feel like you are any less now" The pink haired said sitting next to taehuyng and wrap an arm around his friend.

"but i am, i cant see like you do, i cant enjoy movied like the others do, i cant enjoy the view.. "

"but you can sing, you can do school, you have so many talents. dont bother that you cant see. you dont need to see to be happy Tae" Jimin triedto cheer his friend up. 

"thanks Jimin"

"anytime, now shall we get the video?" jimin jumped up ecxited and got his phone out again. Taehuyng smiled and stood up, ready to reconr the video for thier music assignment.


"Take the stick!" Jimin said running after Taehuyng who was walking home.

"no its still light enough, i can get home" taehyung said refusing to take the stick, he didnt want to hold it. He wanted to look normal.

"fine, but call me if you get lost or something. You are way to stubborn" jimin said and sighed putting the stick away. Near their lockers.

"i will see you later" Taehyung said waving at his friend, not realising he was looking a other direction than his friend was. jimin sighed but didnt push the brunet further.

"see you later" the pink haired then walked the other direction. He had an appointment after school and couldnt walk taehyung back to their dorms. He had first invited Yoongi to come over but the school didnt allow someone from outside to enter the dorms. So they re scheduled it a other day and other location.

Taehyung was humming softly his music song while walking home. The space around him slowly turning darker. He went closer to the wall suddey regretting not to listen to his friend. But then he suddenly saw a shadow really close and gasped bumping onto something. He tripped falling back but a hand grabbed his arm just in time.

"a-ah im sorry. I didnt see you" Taehyung said apologizing to whoever he bumped into. The person pulled him back straight on his feet and smiled, but the brunet sadly didnt see it.

"dont worry, you okay?" the person said, taehyung then heard that the person was a man. He had a really beautiful voice, taehyung couldnt help but smile he liked the voice.

Jungkook noticed the boy didnt really look at him he looked completely past him. He moved to the side a few times and came to realise that the boy didnt see him at all.

"yes, im okay. Thank you" taehyung said and turned around to see where he was going. He now started to regret not taking the stick like Jimin said. He wouldnt have bumped into someone and lost his knowledge of place. It was too dark to see shapes around him everything looked the same shade which made it hard to find his way.

"excuse me but. Do you know which way i was heading?" Taehyung asked smilghly embarrassed by asking it. He didnt want to look like a blind person he succeeded in looking normal most of the time but he had his moments where he couldnt do else that feel things or other things that showed he couldnt see.

"you went this way" The man said and turned the boy at his shoulders to the right direction.

"thanks" taehyung said and walked to the wall his finger tips feeling the bricks as he slowly walked to the dorms that should be nearby.

"uhm sorry to ask again but are you really okay, are you sick?" the man asked walking next to the boy.

"i am fine, im just....Blind...Sorry to worry you" taehyung said and sighed stopping in his tracks.

"oh, i see." the man said and looked around. "will you be okay alone, do i need to help? In case you bump into someone again?"

"i think i will be fine thanks"

"okay, well i will see you around" The man smiled again but his smile faded when the boy wasnt looking at him.

"wait where are you?" taehyung asked looking around.

"im here" Jungkook turned the boy to face him and chuckled.

"may i ask your name?" the brunet asked. "in case i come across you again."

"my name is Jungkook"

"Thats nice" Taehyung smiled and turned around, "i will head home now, bye!"

the brunet walked away and as he did the raven haired man called Jungkook watched him leave. He smiled as he looked at the boy, he wanted to see him again. he wanted to know about him. The smiled dissapeared when he realised he didnt have the boy's name. Jungkooks eyes widen and he looked around but the boy was no where to be seen, the raven sighed. he just had to wait untill they cross path again.


thank you for reading the first chapter. i hope you enjoyed and want to read it all hehe. I will see you in the next update!


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