32: championship.2

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"i don't like it when you're hurt," Taehyung said. While gently patted the soft cotton pad on the raven's wound that was on his eyebrow. He had heard Jungkook hissing when in the bathroom so he got worried. Jungkook then told him he was cleaning his wound, and Taehyung, being a caring boyfriend, wanted to help the other. So now they sat on the floor and the pizza boxes next to them on the ground as well. Jungkook fed his boyfriend while taehyung took his sweet time to clean the boy's wounds without hurting him.

"say Ah" jungkook said. Taehyung opened his mouth and Jungkook fed the boy another bite of the pizza. He took the rest for himself and chomped it away.

"sit still" Taehyung said. He then sighed. "now i lost my focus" he whined softly. It was hard to find the wound without pushing his finger into it or rubbing over it since he couldn't see he kept a finger next to the spot and used his free hand to gently treat it.

"Sorry, sorry," Jungkook said and sat still as a statue held his breath.

"Kook don't be like that! Breathe'' taehyung frowned.

"I'm just playing around."

"I can't work like this, I still need to add this" Taehyung made Jungkook sit still again and gently felt with his fingertips back to the cut in the boy's eyebrow. He carefully out the butterfly bandage over it and smiled. "okay all done!" he assumed he did a good job hearing no complains.

"i feel perfect fine again, thank you"

"I'm glad i can somewhat be useful now you're in the championships..." taehyung pouted. He felt so useless not doing anything to help. Jungkook was doing so much for him, yet only thing that taehyung did was say 'thank you' and give hugs.

"you're always helping. Don't think you're useless" jungkook said his smile fading. He didnt kike it that his boyfriend felt that was when he didnt think like that at all about taehyung. He saw him as the most special person in his life. "you do so much, you do whatever you can even when you're blind. And just by being with me gives me new spirit to grow bigger and work for something again. You are amazing Tae, you don't need to always win to do something big to be amazing. Even the smallest things can make someone a hero. It's not about the impact, it's about what you do."

"It's like you are reading it from a book" Taehyung chuckled.

"i didn't! Those were words from my heart. I am hurt" Jungkook acted like he was going to cry. Which surprisingly worked, Taehyung's eyes widen and he felt his hands finding jungkook and shake him a bit

"why are you crying? Don't cry!?"

"I'm Just joking with you, now come and eat your pizza, it's getting cold," Jungkook said, pulling Taehyung closer at his leg. The brunet smiled and let Jungkook feed him the pizza like the raven wanted to

The two had a nice evening together, Taehyung really liked to be here with jungkook. sadly he had school tomorrow but then they will have their last vacation graduation. After their pizza Taehyung had found his way between jungkook's legs and arms. The raven held him closer to his chest as his long legs were next to him. Jungkook's head in Taehyung's neck enjoying holding his boyfriend, the boy that is so dear to him. He was happy to have bumped into him that day, he wouldn't change this for the world. Taehyung was all he wanted.

"Kookie...m tired"

"Shall we go to bed then?" the raven asks and runs his fingers through the boy's hair. Taehyung liked it when Jungkook did that. it felt caring, just like when jungkook hugged him. With Jungkook he felt safe and loved.



The next day taehyung was nervous as hell, even more than the other day. Today was the second day for the championships. jungkook had another match to go. Taehyung was keeping track of who else won and seeing if they were strong.

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