2: meeting

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"Tae, get your ass up!" Jimin said shaking his friend awake. They shaired their dorm room together as roommates. They were glad to be together since their friendship became even better now, they knew each other in and out. Their trust was so strong that taehyung trusted him blindly...Letterly. And the other way around too.

But sometimes the morning's can get a bit difficult. Taehyung wasnt easily woken. He also didnt realise when it was day, when his eyes were closed everything was darkness for him so he would think it was still night time if they didnt set a timer.

"hmm, sleep more"

"nooo, you can sleep tomorrow when its weekend. Now get up!" Jimin yanked away Taehyung's blankets and threw them on his own bed. He did the same with his pillow. Taehyung whined annoyed and released a heavy sigh.

"you're lucky you're older" taehyung mumbled and rolled on his back opening his eyes. A sad feeling washed over him when he was once again greeted by the covering dark shadow in his sight.

He wanted to get a treatment at the hospital for his eyes, maybe, just maybe they can help him see whats wrong and fix it. But taehyung didnt have the money to afford something like that, neither did Jimin who would give it all to him in a heartbeat.

"i packed your things already, just get dressed and do your teeth" Jimin said walking to the little kitchen area of their room. Their place felt like a little hotel room, it wasnt much, but it was enough.

and besides, after their studies they will find their own house anyway.

"you know.." Taehyung started while putting on his socks which were two different ones. But he couldnt ee it so he just put the two unmatching socks on his feet. "i bumped into someone yesterday....He was really kind, he had a nice voice"

"oh really, have you finnaly found someone?"

"well, i wouldn't call it that so fast. I just happen to bump into him and had a little talk. He was kind, he asked if i would be okay noticing i was blind."

"thats nice of him" jimin smiled seeing his friend smile too. Taehyung seemed to have a happy memory of his meeting with that man.

"i hope to meet him again, i want to talk to him more.." taehyung said smiling even wider and he stood up.

"i dont know who it is, but i am really curious now. " Jimin said, he wanted to know who this person was that taehyung talked about. And maybe he could tease him with it. Jimin chuckled at the thought.


"Jimin thats not fair!" taehyung shouted annoyed. they had lunch break and were outside playing on the nearby basketball field with a few friends. Taehyung was trying to blindly throw the ball in the ring but Jimin kept grabbing the ball out of the air and ran away. He knew it because he heard his ball fall oddly soon on the ground and a giggling Jimin run past him. so two dots connected, Jimin was doing something.

"come and get it then"

"you are mean!" taehyung said but couldnt help but smile.

Suddenly jimin stopped laughing and taehyung looked around confused he didnt know where his pink haired friend was now. "Jimin?"

"Yea, im here" jimin said tapping his friend's shoulder. "he is here" the older whisper yelled at this friend. "Yoongi is here, oh shit"

jimin looked at the dark haired male walk on the field towards them. He didnt expect to run into him today here. 

"Hey, Jimin" 

taehyung turned his head to where the sound came from, so this was Yoongi. his voice was raspy and calm. 

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