9: feelings

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"you look oddly happy again" Namjoon said looking at his brother.

"Because i am happy" Jungkook said smiling even more. He was thinking of this cute blind boy he was dating. The boy who caught his heart at just their first eye contact. Kim Taehyung, the boy Jungkook was sure who he wanted to protect and be with. He wanted to hold the boy already in his arms and cuddle up with him at night. But he knew he cant do that. He will be seen as a creep. He was taking it easy even if he himself couldnt wait to cherish the boy more and more.

"And why is that?" Namjoon asked lifting a brow as he took a sip from his drink.

"I am dating him now. I never thought i would be this upside down for someone" Jungkook chuckled.

"Really? thats cute, you are really like two opposites" Namjoon said. hearing the stores he heard from Jungkook Taehyung had a pretty soft personality and didnt like violence. While Jungkook had a more outgoing personality and was a kickboxer. His body was well build and he was living to the fullest. while Taehyung had the disability of being blind. "it seemed opposites really do attract after all" Namjoon added.

"It seems it does. but i dont mind" Jungkook said then sighed and flopped on his back on the couch staring at the ceiling "i like him so much Joon, i cant get him out of my head"

"what are you thirteen?" Namjoon said and threw a pillow at Jungkook hitting the raven in his face. but the boxer didn't seem to bother at all.

"i am 25 and very much in love okay" Jungkook said looking down at namjoon. "But thank you for calling me young im flattered"

"i didnt mean-oh whatever. think whatever yo like" Namjoon shook his head and sat down on Jungkook's legs. he wanted to sit on the couch and watch his  favorite tv show but the couch was full occupied by Jungkook's body leaving no space for the older.

"Aish, dont sit om my legs. you're heavy" Jungkook said pushing the other off him almost making namjoon drop his glass. The older looked at his younger brother with a frown.

"Are you calling me fat"

"thats latterly not anything close to what i said"

"I know im just messing with you. Now move your ass" jungkook said his other leg still stuck under the other's weight. Namjoon sighed and stood up, as soon he did that Jungkook got up and straightened his clothes. 

"Im gonna take a shower" jungkook said and dissapeared upstairs.


Meanwhile two best friends were together in their dorm one calm while changing for his bed the other bombaring him with questions.

"Dating, what do you mean dating? you mean you are like dating him now?!" Jimin asked. he was probably more excited than his friend. And it was not even him who was dating. well he was but he wasnt dating Jungkook he had Yoongi.

"Yes, thats what i said." Taehyung said for the third time already.

"Oh my god! you are gonna have a boyfriend."

"I hope so" taehyung said and blushed a bit at the thought of him and Jungkook being a couple. A thought he would like to be reality. he really liked Jungkook, he was so understanding and kind. He wasnt saying mean things. his voice was beautiful. His hands were gentle. His words always caught his attention. even if he couldnt see the other by appearance, he just knew Jungkook was a good person. His personality spoke out for him.

"i really want to see him actually, I wonder if he is like you say. On tv he looks so intimidating. I cant imagine him being so soft" Jimin said. he remembered times he saw Jungkook on tv he was always so serieus. Those were shows of him in a competition so there was no time for be a soft person, you will lose if you do that. So Jimin was quite curious about this Jeon Jungkook in real life. Hearing the things Taehyung said about him were so different than he had imagined the man to be.

"He is your age too Chim" taehyung said. 

"really? shouldnt he be in his studies then?"

"he doesnt follow a study" Taehyung said. he had already asked the raven that.

"Ah i see" 

"I am going to sleep now" Taehyung said pulling up the covers of his bed. he felt where the matress was before laying down. he was about to rest his head on the pillow when he flinched shocked by his phone ringing. 

"Oh?" he said and felt around his matress trying to locate his phone. He felt the device and accepted the cal putting the phone to his ears.

"Hello, this is Taehyung" he said.

"Hey Tae, Its Jungkook" 

Taehyungs eyes widen and he smiled. Jimin looked at him and lifted a brow. seeing his friends reaction.

"Hey Jungkook, how are you?"

"im good, and you?"

"im good too, i was just going to sleep when you called" 

"Ah, im sorry for interrupting" jungkook said with a chuckle.

"not its okay. so why are you calling?"

"I wanted to talk to you before bed and wish you goodnight" 

"A-ah thats nice" taehyung said and smiled. his free hand clutching his bedsheets. "i like that"

"I dont know if i had already said it but you can call me anytime, i am currently not so buisy with boxing, so i have a lot of free time." Jungkook said. 

"Then let me think of our next date. i want to organise something now" Taehyung said. he really wanted to let Jungkook know he liked the raven so he will take the lead this time in setting up a date. "will you go on another date with me?"

"of course, i would love to"

"Yay!" Taehyung said but forgot to cover the phone. he heard jungkook chuckle. and that sound was very good in his ears. He felt tingles go through his whole body hearing that chuckle. "how about next friday? I am done with school early"

"sounds good, i am free friday" 

"then lets meet at my school at two?  what we will dp i will keep as a surprise"

"oh a surprise? i like the sound of that" Jungkook said his voice lowering a bit. Taehyung swore his heart was melting into a puddle from that.

"S-see you friday"

"see you friday, goodnight Tae"

"night Kookie" taehyung said and ended the call. 

Jimin looked at his frowned with a grin. "Was that Jungkook? how cute you two, you were all blushing" jimin said looked at his friend that was getting embarrassed.

"Jimin dont!"

"ahw someone is in loveee"

"of course i am!" taehyung said without thinking. his eyes widen and he quickly hid under the covers. "i didn't say anything"

'hmm, im gonna tell Jungkook"


"Im just joking tae, go sleep  Jimin said laughing.


When the call ended somewhere else a raven man stood in his bedroom looking at the phone with surprised eyes.


"did he just call me Kookie?" he whispered. his surprised face slowly turned in a big smile and he stepped in his bed with a happy feeling.


these two are gonna make my heart melt istg.

Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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