19: gift

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Jungkook was early at the boy's school. He decided to head there a bit earlier. Hearing the boy got bullied made him feel worried for him. Taehyung really was treated badly and he didn't like that.

It was so unfair that people are so low to mess with a blind person. Knowing they are unable to fight back because of their disability to properly have proper sense of their surroundings.

So in case anything happens, or already happened, Jungkook was letterly ready to smack a bitch.

Luckily he didn't have to do anything as he already saw the boy walk towards him. Well towards the exit, taehyung couldn't see jungkook was already there.

"hey blind kid!" someone shouted. Jungkook looked up alarmed seeing two boys walk up to Taehyung, they looked about the same age as the brunet.

"leave me alone '' Taehyung said as if yesterday wasn't enough. The two came back.

"you are so s-"

"I dare you to raise a hand at him and I will make sure you can never raise them ever again" Jungkook said stepping in between the boys. He glared at the bullies who clearly looked intimidated by him.

Well what do you expect when you get threatened by a kickboxer who looked dead serious about his words.

The two boys didn't say anything and walked away annoyed.

"kookie?" taehyung saud. He recognised jungkook's voice but the man sounded angry and he felt a bit affected by it. He doesn't like it when someone was shouting or speaking in a unpleasant tone. He was sensitive to sound so it was not so nice.

"yes Tae love?"

"a-ah" the raven just knew how to make taehyung's heart skip a beat. "nevermind. It's good now" the brunet chuckled and felt Jungkook take his hand.

When they walked Taehyung heard tinkles. He turned his head curiously towards the sound and noticed it came from Jungkook, no doubt about that.

"what that sound?" he asked. Not that he mindd it but he wanted to know what it was.

"I came up with an idea," Jungkook said and stopped walking to let taehyung feel his wrist. "i bought a bracelet with little bells at it. So you can hear where i am"

"you did that for me?!" taehyung smiled. It was a really kind gesture of the other to come up with something like this. "that's so well thought of! Thank you for doing that"

"of course, i want you to be comfortable. So you can now hear it when i'm next to you or somewhere further away. Or not even there. I think it would be less stressful for you"

"yea i think so too" taehyung smiled.

"so, shall we go have dinner?" Jungkook decided to start their date seeing the time pass by. He deserves a spot and should not get late.


"Oh my god they have lasagna!" Jungkook said suddenly getting all excited over food when he saw a waiter walk by carrying two lasagnas.


"yes, look!" Jungkook said but then quickly shut up looking at the boy giving him a look. "sorry"

"I would like lasagna," Taehyung said, ignoring the other sentence of the raven.

"Do you want to share one, they look like A LOT"


The raven stopped and waited and she smiled.

"what can i get you?"

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