34: celebration (m)

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After the day at the championships Jungkook took Taehyung to his home. He wanted to be with his boyfriend and talk about the surgery and stuff.

"I'm so happy Kook, you won, you actually won!" Taehyung said happily once they were inside the house. He hopped before hugging his boyfriend.

"You know...in only a few days you will be able to see all this'' Jungkook said. The surgery was this week already. everything finished just in time for the big day. Everything worked out so far which made them happy.

"I'm so nervous...what if it wont work...then all of this will be for nothing," Taehyung said as he followed Jungkook through the house. The raven went upstairs still needing to shower.

"don't worry so much, I'm sure it will be alright," Jungkook said. He was more concerned about Taehyung's health during the surgery, he didn't care if it would be a waste of money after it's done and doesn't work. He just wanted Taehyung to stay healthy and not have any side effects or get sick. His boyfriend was his nr.1 worry now. Money and things are replaceable and gainable, Taehyung wasn't. if he's gone. He will be gone forever. Taehyung wont come back, you can't just get yourself a new one and everything will be fine. That's something that made Jungkook worry at times. He just kept hoping for the best.

But for now he will enjoy his time with the boy for as long he could. And he hoped it would be so much longer, he actually wanted to get older with him. If the boy wanted too. but jungkook didn't want to rush things on the other and he waited patiently for the right time to take next steps. it was too early now. Taehyung was nineteen, Jungkook was a bit older. He had to wait until the boy was ready to make a decision like that.

"Tae i gotta shower.... you can...stay here or something" jungkook said. He actually wanted to ask the boy if he would be comfortable showering together but it would be weird maybe so he didn't. but he didn't expect the boy to suggest it himself,

"Would you maybe....want to take a bath together...like just one day, if you don't mind" taehyung said shyly with a blush while fiddling with his fingers nervously. unknown of the blush on his cheeks and the surprised but smiling face of his boyfriend.

"I would love to, you can join me now if you like" Jungkook said. taehyung smiled and nodded.

"Can I go in first? I'm shy, '' Taehyung said. Jungkook chuckled and agreed, after filling the tub he let the boy get in first and undressed he did peek in the bathroom to make sure the boy did not slip in the tub.

"okay you can come in!" taehyung said/ Jungkook went inside and got undressed. He stepped in the hot water placing his legs next to taehyung's.

"Nice and warm," Jungkook said, grabbing some soap. "Do you want some soap too?"

"yes please" taehyung felt shy. yes they had sex before and the raven had seen him naked that time, but it still felt so strang to him to just act all casual when being all naked. So he couldn't help but keep his knees up and have the slight blush on his face while smiling.

The two washed themselves and soon enough found themselves cuddling in bath. Taehyung straddling the raven as he hugged him his arms wrapped around his torso and Jungkook's around the boy's waist. Taehyung wasn't uncomfortable anymore. It was something about Jungkook that made him feel at ease and safe. He didn't feel the need to be uncomfortable. Just a few words or a touch from the other and Taehyung knew it was alright. Jungkook's voice was something special to him, it had been ever since he first heard it.

Jungkook had his eyes closed. but they opened so fast when he felt a kiss on his neck. and then a soft suck on his skin. The raven turned his head a bit and the boy stopped instantly.

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