31: championship.1

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It was the start day of the tournament.

Jungkook had travelled to the building and was currently walking to the dressing room to change clothes and talk to his coach. but first he wanted to call Taehyung.

The raven got his phone and leaned against the wall waiting for the line to be accepted.

"Hello?" the boy's sweet voice was heard.

"Hey Tae, its me"

"Jungkook! how are you, are you nervous?"

"a little tiny bitsy bit" Jungkook said, sounding like a kid in Taehyung's ears. the boy chuckled and hummed.

"you will do great, i believe in you"

"you're coming right?" jungkook asked hoping to hear a 'yes'.

"Of course, Jimin will drive me there with Hoseok and Yoongi who will come along as well. Hoseok offered to drive saying he was already going" taehyung said.

"Really, I will have a little audience," Jungkook chuckled. forgetting that he litterally had people bidding on him like crazy today.

"Yes! i gotta go now and get ready to leave, i'll see you there okay"

"bye tae, i love you"

"i love you too"

The call ended and Jungkook went inside dropping the bag on the bench as he saw his coach already sit there.


"for sure" Jungkook chuckled and changed into his outside holding the boxing gloves under his arm while standing there talking.


The raven had changed and walked to the ring. He could hear the crowd cheering when they walked in. He looked around while he went to the ring and got on the stage turning around to talk to his coach.

"Jk you ready? this is it, '' his coach said, patting Jungkook's shoulders. "this your moment. Go get that title"

"i am ready" Jungkook said. But inside he wasn't feeling so confident anymore. That's because he had been looking through the crowd for a while now. He didn't find Taehyung anywhere.

What if he doesn't come?......

Jungkooks mood dropped very low thinking the boy might not show up At all.

"On the red side of the ring we have Jeon Jungkook or known as JK" the voice said through the speaker. the crowd cheered and Jungkook just nodded with a small grin. "On the blue side of the ring we have Lucan Haverno or known as 'the knight ''' the man announced and another time the cheers were heard this time a bit less than with jungkook. but that was probably because this championship was in Korea and Jungkook was one of the Korean fighters.

"As you can see the-'' the man was talking his script and the referee got in the ring motioning the tow to come closer, the match was about to start. This championship had three days. on the last day were the finals. The spot Jungkook was aiming for. He had to win all of his fights to get there. and this was the first.

The referee stood between them as the two competitors walked to the middle. Now Jungkook was face to face with the other. He looked western and had a tan skin. He looked strong. but Jungkook was strong too. the other was a bit smaller than him. but over all they shared the same weight and experience level, they were an even match.

the referee removed his hands and gave the sign. The crowd cheered and the two began to move. Jungkook put his guard up by having his gloves near his face. moving around on his feet lightly. Lucan was the first to make a direct move. He gave a kick. Jungkook stepped aside and took the impact but kept his guard up. when the man wanted to punch jungkook blocked the first and hit the man with his left giving an effective punch in the face, Lucan shook his head and put his hand back up jumping around the raven lightly. Jungkook was focusing hard. but he couldn't have a complete focus. He was thinking if Taehyung was showing up or not today. and that was also the reason he reacted too late when he saw a glove come close to his face and he got hit with a hard punch. jungkook stumbled back against the elastic of the ring and had to shake his head a bit to eat his focus back. fuck that was a good punch....damn that hurts. he thought to himself and got up a bit out of balance for a few seconds. the man grinned at him. They moved around. Jungkook was hesitating.

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