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3rd person's POV

"Do you really wanna die, Jeon Heejin?" Hyunjin said with a gritted teeth.

"Not really, Kim" Heejin replied with a tone that Hyunjin didn't like. Hyunjin swear she had a good morning not until this bish shows up and pours a drink on her.

"Are you really messing with me?" Hyunjin grab Heejin's collar and their friends get in between them.

"Haseul, let go" Hyunjin looks at Haseul's hands that's holding her shoulders.

"Don't make a scene here you two" Jungeun tried to remove Hyunjin's grip on Heejin's collar.

"Just apologize to her Heejinie" Jiwoo said and shivers because of Hyunjin's scary gaze on her friend.

"Why would I?" Heejin asked and smirk after. That piss off Hyunjin more and press the girl on the wall.

"You really want a fight?" Hyunjin said in a tone that sends shivers to the people around them but the girl pressed on the wall just smile and chuckles.

"I don't want a fight, baby" Heejin said in a flirty tone and run her index finger on Hyunjin's jaw down to her chin.

"What the fuck, Jeon?" Hyunjin let of the girl and wipe the area where Heejin touched her, using the sleeve of her uniform.

"Fucking disgusting"

"Heejin apologize to her" Kahei, Heejin and Hyunjin's mutual friend said.

"Fine. I'm sorry" Heejin said but it didn't sound sincere

"Make it sincere, Heejin" Hyunjin said and being the taller, she stares down at the girl.

"I'm sorry, okay?" now it sounds sincere

"Tch" Hyunjin just scoff and leave the room. Haseul then followed her to lend the girl her spare uniform.

"What's your problem really?" Chaewon asked her best friend.

"I didn't pour my coffee on her purposely, it was an accident" Heejin said and sat on her chair while looking at her now, empty cup.

"Why you didn't say sorry immediately?" Yeojin asked and take the seat behind Chaewon.

"It's fun to piss her off" Heejin said and chuckles.

"You almost got punched and it was fun for you?" Jungeun shake her head and sit beside Kahei

"Well I was scared for a second of course but she never really hit me" she said and her friends think about it for a while. She's right, Hyunjin never hit her even how much pissed she is.

The two of them always fight whenever they see each other and their friends swear that they're done with them. Them being in the same section is tiring for the other ten girls and for their classmates as well.

"You're lucky she got a hold of herself back there" Jinsoul said, they're kinda close to each other but because of Hyunjin and Heejin, they can't hang out that much.

"Do you guys know why she never hit Heejin even though sometimes she looks like she really wants to end her?" Jiwoo asked out of curiosity.

"Why would she do to others what her mom does to her?" Hyejoo speak up making all of the attention goes to her.

"What? What do you mean?"

Hyejoo didn't answer instead she got up fron her seat.

"I'm gonna go grab some soda" she said and walks out of the room.

"Is Hyunjin's mother hurting her or what?"

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