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Hyunjin's POV

I'm washing up in Heejin's bathroom after Mrs Jeon told me to just stay over for the night. It's almost midnight and she said it's not safe for me to go home at this hour.

"Hyun?" I heard a knock on the door and I walk towards it. I open it while still brushing my teeth.

"A towel and clothes that you can change to" she handed me those things and I smiled at her.


Fuck, I can't sleep. Mr Jeon came in an hour ago with a futon in his hands and even spread it on the floor for me.

I'm not used to sleeping on this shit. It's so uncomfortable... I miss my bed. My soft and comfy bed.

I just lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. I let out a sigh and change into another sleeping position trying my best to get comfortable.

3rd person's POV

"You really did make her sleep on the floor?" Mrs Jeon asked her husband

"Well... yeah"

"Poor kid, you know that she's born rich, for sure she's not used to sleeping on the floor" the woman lightly slap her husband's arm.

"There's no way I'm gonna let her sleep beside our only daughter" Mr Jeon said, Heejin is their only child and Mr Jeon is kinda protective when it comes to his baby.

"Come on, your daughter is already grown up and Hyunjin is a nice kid" Mrs Jeon said

"Are Hyunjin and Heejin a thing or what?" Mr Jeon asked

"I don't know, Heejin isn't telling me anything about it"

"Do you want Hyunjin for our daughter?"

"Of course"

"You think our Heejinnie can handle a relationship already?" Mr Jeon sounded worried so her wife cupped his cheeks.

"I think so... Don't worry too much about it, okay? You know our child, she won't get herself involve into something that she can't handle or so whatever" she said and he sighed.


"If you can't sleep, just join me here" Heejin suddenly speak making Hyunjin startled.

"You're awake all this time?" Hyunjin sit up and look at the girl in the bed.

"I can't sleep because of the ruffling noises you make" Heejin said and smiled at Hyunjin.

"Come here" she said and make a space beside her.

"Are you sure? Your dad might beat me up" Hyunjin said and Heejin laughed.

"Yes, I'm sure, just get here already"

Hyunjin stand up and went to Heejin's bed. A satisfied sigh escaped her mouth when she lay on the mattress.

"This is much better" she mumbled and Heejin hugged her. The sides of her lips curled up and pull Heejin closer to her.



"What are we?"


"You know what? Fuck you"

Hyunjin quietly laughs as she don't want to wake up Heejin's parents.

"What do you mean by that question?" she asked

"I mean... Just... What really are we?"

"Well... What do you think?"

"Maybe... More than friends but less than lovers??"

"Do you like me?" Heejin asked boldly and look at Hyunjin's eyes.

"You really know how to ruin my plans"

"What do you mean?" Heejin furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm planning to prepare a cute romantic ass dinner for you next week and confess but here you are already dropping the question"

"Then let's just forget that I asked and you prepare that dinner for me"

"I don't want to anymore"

"Aww come on! I'll act surprised promise" Heejin said and Hyunjin giggled.

"To answer your question... Yeah I like you... So much"

"But what about Soojin?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean... Did you already move on from her? Cuz if you still haven't then stay away from me. I don't want to get my hopes up and end up hurting"

"Do you think I would say I like you if I still haven't from on for her yet?"

"I'm just making sure, okay?"

"How about you? Do you like me too?"

"No. I hate you with so much passion"


"Just kidding, okay? Of course I like you too duh"

"Can I court you?"


"You deaf or something? I asked you if I can court you, dumbass"

"Yes, of course you can but you need to ask my parent's permission first"

"I know that and I will talk to them tomorrow morning, for now let's just sleep"

"Good night, Hyun"

"Good night, Heej"

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