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Heejin's POV

"Aish!" I laugh as Hyunjin got up from the ground while rubbing her butt. She asked me to teach her how to ride skate board but she's kinda having a hard time learning it. This is the fourth time she fell and luckily she's wearing full gear.

"Don't wan to learn anymore? We can just stop" I said and help her to get the dirt off her clothes. We went here at the park after haviny lunch which she cooked and I have to admit that she's a good cook. She's also wearing my clothes again, she didn't come home yet and just borrow my clothes and she looks cute in pink oh my god.

"I can do this, bunny" she said and get on the skateboard again.

"See!?" she skates with a wide smile on her face and show me finger hearts.

"Ya ya ya watch out! There's a pole!" I shouted but it was too late. She crashed on the pole and fell. I quickly run towards her and check if there's some serious injury or what.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she looks at me then shake her head. I gently take off her helmet and cup her face.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked and she points her forehead.

"Aish" I kissed her forehead cuz I don't know. This is what my mom does whenever I fall or I hit myself on something.

"Better? Do I need to bring you to the hospital?" I asked her

"It hurts here too" she said

"Where?" I asked and she points her lips. I glare at her and slap her arm.

"Be serious just for once goddammit, Hyunjin"

"It seriously hurts! Won't you kiss it too?" she said then puckered her lips. It's tempting but no, I'll be dead to my father.

"Aww!" she hisses when I smack her head. I stand up and offered my hands to her. She took it and I helped her to get up.

"Seriously you're not gonna kiss me?" I gave her a deadpan look but she just smile at me and pick up my skateboard and bring it along with her.

"Come on let's just eat ice cream" she said and I followed her. We stopped when we saw an ice cream vendor and I told her to just sit on the bench near by while I buy our ice cream.

"One mint choco and one vanilla please" I said and wait for it. It didn't take long and the vendor gave it to me then I paid for it.

I walk back to where I left Hyunjin and saw her tying someone's shoelace. She's even kneeling down in front of the girl. My eyebrows knitted together and stomp my feet towards them.

"Kim Hyunjin" I called her name and she looks up at me.

"Oh hi Heej! Let me just finish this" she said and look back at this girl's shoes. I gave this bijj a glare and look at her from head to toe. Tch I'm prettier.

"There! Done!" Hyunjin said and stand up.

"Thank you!" they talked for a few before the girl finally left before I even kill her.

"Here" I shove the ice cream to Hyunjin and sit on the bench.

Hyunjin's POV

"Thanks" I thanked Heejin and sat beside her.

"Can I have some of yours?" I asked and was about to scoop some of her ice cream when she move it away from me.

"You can't." she said coldly. Why does her mood change so frequently!?!? We're just happy a while ago and now she's being like this.

"A wae????" I whined and try to take a scoop again.

"I said you can't."

"What's wrong?" I asked and she looks at me while raising her one eyebrow.

"I don't know. Why don't you just tie someone's shoelaces again?"

"You said I should be nice to people! But when I'm acting nice to people you get angry! But when I'm rude you get angry too! What do you really want me to do?" I said with frustration

She pouts and feed me her ice cream. She looks like a behave puppy now compare from the meanie and cold bunny a while ago.

"I just don't want any other girls getting close to you" she whispered then feed me again.

"Ahhh so you were jealous?" I said and show her a teasing grin.

"Pffttt what are you talking about?" she tries to play it off

"I heard what you said, stupid" I said and started laughing. I didn't know she get jealous easily.

"I didn't say anything though"

"You just said that you don't want any other girls getting close to me" I said with a wide grin

"I said I didn't say anything!"

"Whoa whoa chill, okay? You didn't say anything and I didn't hear anything. Got it boss"

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