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Heejin's POV

I reached Sooyoung's house, where they decided to held the party. I talked to some of my schoolmates and squeezed myself through the crowd so I can go to the kitchen. I saw Jiwoo waving her hands at me and I wave back. I was about to go to her when a guy blocked my way.

"Hi Heejin" oh he's familiar

"Ummm hi" I said and smile cuz I don't wanna seem rude.

"Off limits dude" Hyejoo suddenly appeared out of nowhere and sling her arm around my shoulder. The guy quickly apologized and leave.

"What do you mean by off limits? But anyways thank you" she just nodded and we went to our friends' direction.

"Where's Hyun?" I asked and they all give me a teasing grin.

"Guys seriously where is she?" I repeated my question and Hyunjin suddenly appears, coming from the backyard I guess.

"Oh Heejinnie you're here! Want me to get you some drinks?" she asked but I just walk towards her and slap her arm, hit her back and smack the back of her head.

"Oooooof combo" Yeojin said and our friends start laughing because of Hyunjin's reaction.

"Awwww! What was that for????" she said while rubbing the back of her head.

"What's that?" I asked and pointed the stick between her lips.

"Oh......." she said, quickly throwing the cigarette stick away then smiled at me.

"I told you to stop smoking, didn't I?" I was about to start nagging her when our friends started teasing us.

"Omo omo our bunny looks like a mad girlfriend" Jungeun teased and I glare at her.

"Date her, Hyunjin" Kahei said and I can feel my cheeks burning. Can they stop? This is embarrassing. I just want her to stop smoking cuz she might get unwanted diseases because of it.

"Maybe I will" she said and I can feel my cheeks getting warm as I turn the other way to hide my red cheeks.

"Omo omo"

"The ship is gon' sail bitches"

"Why not now?"

"Our bunny is blushing"

They're teasing me non stop and I just hide my face using my hair. I heard Hyunjin's laugh and she lean closer to my ear.

"I'm gonna get you some drink" she whispered right in my ear that sent chills down to my spine.

"O-ok-okay" I mentally cursed when I stuttered.

"Wait for me, hmm?" I nod and she left. I look at my friends and every one of them has a teasing smirk on their faces.

"I thought you hate her but now you're blushing because of her" Sooyoungie said in a teasing manner making me roll my eyes and look everywhere else but not at them.

This is all Hyunjin's fault if she's not caring all the time I wouldn't have develop a crush on her again.

"Heekki-" I turned to where the voice is coming and saw her bumped with a junior. The junior look terrified as she look at Hyunjin's white shirt that is now stained with beer.

"I'm sorry, sunbae" the junior keep on apologizing

"It's okay" Hyunjin said with a smile. I guess all of us can see the character development in her. I mean she's not angry all the time anymore, she got nicer, she became more polite and more understanding.

"No no I'm really sorry" the girl bowed and Hyunjin chuckled.

"Look, it's really okay. You didn't do it in purpose" she talked with a girl for more minutes before going to me.

"Here" she gave me the cup and I thanked her.

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