Arno x Reader: Part 1

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So my first ever one shot, this was requested by my best friend Beth :D

Enjoy x


Arno x Reader: Part 1

The crowd only seemed to thicken as Arno shoved through them to escape the pounding feet of the ruthless guards. He knew he wasn't going to shake them off, not when the crowd served nothing more than to just slow him down. Though he managed to shove passed them, he made a path, an easy access for the guards to get through that caused them to advance towards him. Through his sheer panic, he began to violently shove passed the rioting people in an attempt to reach a less dense area.

Finally, he was free from the claustrophobic feeling of the large mass of people. Taking no chances, he sped as fast as he could down the street, the guards a little further away from him than they were before.


You were stood watching the angry protests that raged on up the street, hearing the audible shouts against the king and for liberation. You couldn't help but agree with them, and on many account, found a reason to join them, but you didn't want to risk getting hurt, or worse, killed. You had seen the results of a protest gone wrong, and since then, you have not dared to join in the fight for freedom.

Turning on your heels, you began to head back to your home, your feet dragging you back as the day had been harsh on your young aching body. The sun had beaten you down into nothing more than a puddle as you worked hard in the fields on the outskirts of Paris. And every day you would get soldiers claiming the good crops for themselves. This meant extra work for yourself to gain the same profit you used to have before the guards began to take away your harvest. It was exhausting.

An eruption of gasps and belabouring footsteps rumbled upon Paris' terrain. With one sharp turn of your head, you turned around to see an oncoming hooded man that instantly caught onto your bewildered stare. As he neared, he edged closer to your form and finally grasped onto your arm, pulling you along with his speeding form. Your senses dulled at the rapid actions that he undertook, and finally you realised that he led you into an alleyway.

Without any explanation, he placed you against a wall where he pressed up against your bodice and you tensed at the stranger's intimacy. His arms rested upon the wall behind you. You could feel his hot breath against the side of your face which made you fluster at the musky sweetness that engulfed you. With your hesitant hands, you raised them to his chest and pushed him away slightly, only to have him press closer and harder against you.

"Please, just pretend you are making love to me until the guards go away," He whispered in your ear before soon, his lips gently connected to yours. An overwhelming sensation flooded through your body, sending your heart to race and your spine to shudder. His lips felt like feathers upon your own lips earning him a kiss in return. You moved your lips against his. One masculine hand reached down and grasped your hip, pulling you closer.

Now you were certain the guards were long gone, but the heat that emitted from the two of you made it hard to stop. A moan escaped his lips which sent you writhing contently under his grasp. Just as the kiss had started, it soon stopped. His breath hitched as he tried to retain his normality after such a heated moment. With hesitancy, he backed away, his eyes never leaving yours, and soon turned on his heels as he walked away from your flustered being.

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