Connor x Reader

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Not sure about this, it was shorter than anticipated, and I don't know if how i've wrote it justified the plot. But I put it on anyway because it's been a while since I have actually posted a one shot or anything for that matter.

So KC_WWE_HERO I hope this was okay, I tried my best with it.


Connor x Reader

You knew by the way you threw up your stomachs contents that something wasn't right. You were rarely ill, not to the point where you threw up, so clearly this was strange to you. You knelt beside the bucket that you vomited within as your hand wandered over to your churning stomach and gently drew circles.

The previous night was full of passion, you could distinctively remember when Connor put his large worked hands on your hips whilst you were washing the dirty pots, and he pulled you closer to him so he could kiss the crevice of your neck. Just that little touch created a tingling sensation on your soft skin and sparks began to fly within yourself. And that was only the beginning of the pleasure.

With eyes wide, a flashing thought came to you as you remembered the night's events. It was all clear to you now. Morning sickness. It just had to be morning sickness, what with your uneasy stomach and the slight backache you was feeling. A wash of utter surprise and nervousness overcame you. What if Connor was mad? What if he didn't want a child yet, what with the brotherhood and everything? You had not long been married, and even that was a big commitment due to the threat of Templar's and the fact that you do not get to see each other often. But you didn't mind, just knowing that you both were joined together by one sentimental value was enough.


Later that morning, Connor had woken from his peaceful sleep after an unbearably pleasurable night. As he fluttered his eyes open against the bright rays of the blinding sun, his eyes immediately looked over to your form that was sat on the edge of the bed, your hand on your stomach as you tried to control the nausea.

"[y/n]?" He said cautiously, taking note on your uncomfortable posture. His brows frowned as he sat up and put his hand on your back, gently rubbing it to try and comfort you.

"C-Connor, I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?" He said, his brows burrowing further as he thought of the worst possible thing that you could have wanted to say.

"I-I-um..." You stuttered, not knowing how to put it into words, you didn't want to shock him by saying it straight out. Suddenly, an idea that would give it to him softly came to your mind and you slowly stood up.

"Maybe I could show you instead,"


A moment later, you and Connor quietly crept through the long grass of the Homestead's forest, gently making your way closer and closer to your target. The flowers around you were in full bloom as spring was upon the earth. The fresh smell of budding flowers and grass enveloped you both in a warming feeling of new life. All around the forest, new born animals were being born by the second and feeding off their mothers, growing and enjoying new life. It only seemed fitting that this was the way to break it out to Connor. In the place he felt most at home.

As you cut through the tall grass, you came to a sudden halt as a deer with its fawn approached and began to graze on the luscious grass. A smile plastered your face at how small the fawn was compared to its mother, and how the deer's maternal eyes looked over the fawn every second to see that it was okay.

"Look how beautiful they are, mother and baby," You simply stated and from the corner of your eyes, you could see Connor's lips turn up which made your heart flutter.

"Life is beautiful..." He replied as his eyes were fixed upon the majestic deers that went along with their lives. With a gulp to push down the lump that was lodged in your throat, you took a deep breath and continued.

"See... I've been a little bit sick this morning Connor, and the reason is simply... well," You pointed towards the mother deer and its fawn, hoping he'd take the hint, but it only gained a furrowed brow. With an aspirated sigh, you carried on.

"It's spring, mating season, and new life is being born," With that said, Connor's eyes widened with realisation. His whole body froze as he finally cracked the riddle you were challenging him with.

"Y-you're pregnant?" His voice was that of shock and uncertainty which immediately made your face fall with regret. Your body slouched slightly as you replied.

"I-I am..." You said quietly, when Connor did not say anything for a few seconds, you quickly replied.

"I'm sorry, I know this is bad timing and that you may not want a child right n-"

"It is bad timing," He said simply and you could feel your eyes burning with hot tears that threatened to fall down your face.

"But I'm sure we can work it out," With that said, he put his hand on your hip and his other hand under your chin to pull you closer. Your lips gently met to start of a sweet sensational kiss that you didn't want to end. Within the kiss, his fingers stroked the skin of your cheek, claiming it admirably.

As he broke the kiss, a smile broke out on his face which lifted your heart, knowing that finally, he was showing some form of happiness in the situation.

"Looks like I will finally have a family to protect, a wife to love and a child to raise,"

"An excuse to make sure you get home safely then Mr Kenway,"

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