Jacob x Reader: Part 3

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Jacob x Reader: Part 3

The darkness remained, even with your eyes now fully opened. The only thing that told you that you were still alive was the small ray of golden light shining through the caged hole in the large oak wooden door.

Your eyes widened at the unfamiliarity of the place and the eerie cold atmosphere it sent through your body. A shiver ran down your spine.

"Hello?" Your voice croaked, but with a slight cough to clear your throat, you tried again.


Footsteps were heard from the other side of the door, and a shadowed figure appeared behind the caged hole, "The girlie is awake,"

"Please, tell me what you want? Is it money? I have-" You began, your voice shaken with fear, but you were interrupted by their scoff.

"We don't want your money girlie..." The door was opened and 2 men stepped into the dark small cell, "...We just want some information,"

"Information?" You frowned, confused as to what information they sought.

"Oh aye, information about the assassins," They stopped at your feet, making your seated form slightly shuffle back until your back was against the damp stone wall. Your heart raced uncontrollably against your chest and your stomach began to churn.

"Assassins? What assassins?"

The men turned their head and gave a look between each other. As they did, you took that opportunity to look over the uniforms they adorned. It was a suit with a red jackets and a red rimmed hat, from a gang maybe?

"Playing hard to get... Fine.... We will get it out of you another way," one growled as his booted feet pressed against your shoulder and pinned you to the wall. With his elbow on his thigh, he lean't forward to stare directly into your eyes.

"Tell me about Mr Frye's plans, and i'll let you go... If you don't, we will beat it out of you,"

Your eyes widened in realisation that they wanted information about Mr Jacob Frye, but you were determined to keep your mouth shut because he had done so much for you, it only seemed right to return the favour.

However, the man's boot pressed painfully harder into your shoulder making you whimper.

"Come on lass... Don't make me ruin such a pretty face,"

When you turned your head in refusal, the man snarled and he dropped his boot as the back of his hand met with the flesh of your cheek.

With a loud slap that echoed through your small cell and out into the corridor, your head turned upon impact.

The hit had stunned you for a second, and before you could even react, the man had grasped a handful of your hair, tugging it back so you were facing him.

Your tear filled [e/c] eyes peered up widely towards the man. You feared what he would do next.

"Are you going to speak?" He asked lowly, and you didn't speak because you didn't want to, you actually couldn't. Fright had took over you, making you shake violently within his firm grasp.

He let out a sigh before slipping his hands away and his booted foot swung to meet with your stomach. The pain rippled through your midsection as his foot repeatedly came into contact with your tender tummy.

With each kick, you yelped out, but refused to beg or speak on that matter. It's the least you could do for Jacob helping you out on two occasions.

When the Blighter's realised that continuously beating you was pointless. They huffed out and took their leave, leaving you upon the floor, clutching desperately to your agonisingly aching stomach.


You roused from your sleep as you heard a pair of footsteps making their way towards your cell. Your eyes clenched tightly closed as you thought it was probably the red suited men back for another round. However, as you heard some struggles and grunts, your eyes opened and a frown adorned your expression.

"Miss [y/l/n]?" A familiar voice was heard, and your eyes widened as you immediately recognised it. Jacob Frye.

"M-Mr Frye?" You replied weakly.

"Don't move, i'll get you out,"

You did as he said, the pain in your stomach too painful to even think about moving anyway. You listened as her fumbled around finding the key to your cell door, and when he found them, the metallic keys clattered together as he unlocked the door.

Rushing over to your slightly broken form, he put his hand upon your arm gently, "Shit... This is my fault, i'm so sorry,"

"They wanted me to give them information about you, but I didn't say a word... Not that i knew much anyway," You chuckled, trying to make some light of the situation.

"Can you stand?" He asked, and with a nod, you began to rise slowly to your feet. He held you steadily with his hands under your elbows, however, once you began to straighten, you began to feel faint, your head spinning suddenly, and you fell backwards against his chest.

"Woah," He gasped and grasped you before you could fall to the floor, "You are far from alright... Come on, i'll carry you,"

With that, he scooped you gently from your feet and began to carry you out as your head rested exhaustedly against his shoulder.


Your eyes fluttered open softly as the suns light shone gently down onto your linen bedsheets. Your eyes were met with the familiar surroundings and you sighed out contently. However, the reminder of what happened still remained, and your hand clutched to your stomach.

Jacob walked in with a cup of water in hand, but stopped in his step as he saw you were awake, "Miss [y/l/n], glad to see you are awake... How are you feeling?"

He walked over and perched himself down on the edge of the bed. The cup was placed on your bedside with a slight clank.

"I've felt better,"

Jacob's face seemed to be full of guilt... Pained almost, and it made you sigh out, "Jacob-"

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me being careless, none of this would have happened," He began, and you shook your head.

"You weren't to know,"

"But thats it, I should have known... I should have been aware that if i ever even got close to such a beautiful woman then something like this would happen. And if it got any worse then i wouldn't be able to live with myself..." He began to ramble, his guilty conscience getting the better of him.

His words made her heart skip a beat, and to stop his constant rambling, you lean't forward and stopped him with your lips pressed against his.

Jacob froze, and as you pulled away, you looked timidly into his eyes. It took Jacob a moment to process what had just happened and how he felt about it, and when he did, he grasped your face with his hands and crushed his lips against yours.

Your mouths moved rhythmically as your tongues lightly teased one another.

The kiss was heart pounding, but brief, as Jacob pulled away with a slight sigh and looked adoringly into your eyes with his dark hazel eyes. His thumbs lightly traced over your cheekbones. And his smirk... Well... It made you melt right there and then.


So that was part 3, I hope you enjoyed it... Right, should I leave it there or would you like a smutty part 4?

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