Jacob x Reader: Part 1

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So with the release of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, it's only right that I update my one shots with a Jacob x Reader ;)

I have had many requests from you lot to do a Jacob Frye x Reader one shot, and because of that, i've decided to do a 3 part one shot!

So this is part 1, enjoy! :)


Jacob x Reader: Part 1

"Hey beautiful, all alone?" A slurred voice was heard in your ear, and the strong smell of liquor engulfed your being.

You had only just got to the tavern and already someone was ruining your freedom. With a roll of your eyes, you ignored him, but as you did, he grew angry at your ignorance.

"Hey, wench, I'm talking to you," He growled and his large hand grabbed your shoulder, turning you around sharply on the wooden stool. You gasped at his tight grip and your eyes widened in fear.

His eyes misted with alcohol, you could see the uncontrollable hunger that surged through him as his head dove down to feast on the soft skin of your neck.

You tried to push him away but his large build was heavy against your body, and so you tried to cower away instead. However, nothing could be done to prevent his unwanted touch.

Just as that thought crossed your mind, a large hand grabbed the drunken mans shoulder and roughly pulled him away from you. Then his voice, low and cold, spoke out to the drunkard who gritted his teeth, "I wouldn't do that if I were you,"

"You bloody Rook! You have no business here!" The drunk man slurred, making the dark tall figured man smirk slightly.

"Oh but it's my business if you disturb a beautiful lady such as this one," He gestured, and you blushed slightly, his deep hazel eyes peered over to you comfortingly.

"Oh yeah? You haven't the balls to question my business! Eh boy? Why not show some skill? I hear you have none!" The drunkard challenged, and the mysterious man's smirk widened.

"Now this should be fun," He said as he took off his top hat, revealing his dark slicked back hair, and he began to strip down of his robes till he was in nothing more than his trousers and boots. On his chest and arm were a few tattoos and his chest was barrelled with muscle. You had to admit, it was all very exciting to be the main topic of a brawl, and to see this mysterious man strip down right in front of you to defend your honour.

A circle was formed in the middle of the tavern as the associates of the drunkard man and the associates of the strange man with the top hat all cheered for their brawler.

The first hit was swung by the drunkard. It was a slow, off target hit as he stumbled forward, and the other man, who the drunkard had referred to as a 'Rook' spun so the man stumbled to the ground.

The room set off in a series of yells and laughter, and the drunkard was quick to pick himself up again. However, though at a huge advantage, the Rook did not hit the drunkard, for reasons unknown to you.

You sat on the edge of your seat as the Rook dodged hit after hit. Eventually, the drunkard was growing tired, his swings growing weaker and weaker, and eventually, he stood there and raised his exhausted arms.

"Come on you bastard, are you too much of a pussy to hit me?"

With a smirk, the Rook stepped forward and swung a powerful hit to the drunkards temple, sending him falling effortlessly to the floor. The room went up in a loud ruckus of cheering, and a wide smile spread across your face.

The Rook gathered his clothes and walked over to where you sat, and he gave a slight bow, "Miss, I want to apologise on behalf of that imbecile,"

"It's quite alright, thank you for helping me," You smile up at him appreciatively to his efforts.

"If you wouldn't mind me doing so, I would like to finish my job by escorting you home," He said as he began to dress himself back into his clothes, and you nodded.

"Of course, that would be very kind of you," You stood from the bar stool, and as soon as he was dressed with his top hat back upon his head and cane within his large gloved hand, you took his arm that he offered and you both exited the tavern.

The walk was slow, but peaceful as you immediately felt safe within the Rook's presence, even late at night when the London streets were at their most dangerous.

"So may I know the name of my saviour?" You asked with a raise of your brows, and with a smirk, he answered.

"Jacob Frye, Miss,"

With a nod and smile, you gave him your own name, "I'm [y/n],"

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," He complimented, making you blush once again.

"Please sir, I am no lady,"

"And I am no sir, I guess I'll just call you [y/n] then, yes?" He said, which made you giggle slightly with a nod of your head.

"I guess so, yes,"

When you arrived outside your apartment, you turned to Jacob and gave him a slight curtsey, "I want to thank you again, Jacob. Your respect for my honour makes me most grateful,"

"Well a woman such as yourself should not be belittled by any men... Especially not a working class drunkard," He smiled, and then took your hand gently before raising it to his lips to kiss your knuckles.

Once his lips pressed against your hand, your heart sped and you blushed once more.

"We may see each other again, Miss... Or at least I hope so," He finally said before turning and strolling away, his cane swinging with each step he took. You watched in awe. He was the first man to make your heart race like it did.

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