Jacob x Reader: Part 4

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I'm going to tag the ultimate babe FeedMeFryes because i know how much she craves Jacob's ROLLED UP SLEEVES AND AUBERGINE!

So yes, last part as I said! And...



Jacob x Reader: Part 4

In your heart you knew you were sinning. Your [e/c] eyes and spinning head was drowning in his clothed muscular frame and rugged features. Yes he may be rougher than what your parents would have wanted for you, but you couldn't help yourself, he was dangerously handsome.

Jacob's masculine hand ventured down to your waist, making your breath hitch as his lips ghosted over yours reverently. His hazel dark orbs searched yours causing your heart to thud so loud that you were positive that he would be able to hear it.

Without any further delay he pressed his lips against yours firmly and his large hand snaked around to your back as he pushed you back down onto the bed.

The kiss deepened, his tongue delved deep into your mouth and collided against your own. You felt your abdomen tingle with want for more, and it didn't help when you felt his member hardening against your thigh.

You could feel him holding back as he towered above you, feeling him restricting the real depth of the kiss and restricting his adventurous hands from touching your body.

Despite the fact that you've only known Jacob for just under a week, you couldn't ignore the spark that ignited when you first met and the constant enlargement of that spark as the days went by.

You wanted him... No... You NEEDED him!

So, your hand grasped his own that was resting against the pillow beside your head and you lowered his hand down to your clothed breast. He hesitated a second, then in realisation that you, too, wanted more of his attention, he began to palm your breast as he bowed his head down to place soft kisses on your neck.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, his hot breath tickled against your neck, raising the hairs on your skin.

"I'm more than sure," You whispered back as your arms draped over his shoulders and your head tilted slightly to allow him better access.

With a slight leap of confidence, your hands reached up and began to push Jacob's jacket from his frame, followed by his green waist coat and his white shirt.

Your hands explored the hair smattered, muscular chest your eyes were blessed with and your breath hitched slightly at the sight of him towering above you.

Jacob's own hands began to work on your clothing as he stripped you down into nothing more than your corset and underwear. Seeing the expanse of your soft skin made his lips tug into a satisfied smirk and his hand ran up the outside of your thigh, lifting it so it wrapped around his torso.

You sat up carefully as you pressed your lips against his, working on ridding him of his trousers. As you did so, he tugged at the lacing of your corset. Soon enough, you were both in nothing more than your underwear, the soft flesh of your breasts now exposed much to Jacob's liking.

With a slight guttural laugh to himself, he covered your nipple with his mouth and his tongue flicked over your ever sensitive nub. With a sigh of content, your head tilted backwards.

Then, with his large hand on your chest, he pushed you down and lowered down your body as he took the material of your underwear between his teeth and pulled it down your legs and onto the floor in the heap of clothes.

Finally, he towered above you, and pulled his underwear down to reveal his hardened and large member. Your breath became ragged by the sheer size of him, but you were ready, and you looked up at him with a definitive look.

With that, he slowly pushed his member inside your core, and you bit your lower lip to surpass your moan at the frictional sensation that rippled through your entrance.

Then, with a slow rock of his hips, he thrusted in and out of you with a groan escaping his throat. You couldn't help the moan that came from your mouth, as Jacob's length felt good inside you, hitting your sweet spot with every buck he made.

His pace quickened, reducing you to a writhing mess on top of the screwed bed sheets, and he watched from above, sweat filming his skin and his hair falling to frame his face perfectly, with a breathless smile on his face.

"[y/n]... Fuck, you are so beautiful," He gasped out.

Your climax was shortly inbound, and before you knew it, your body shook violently. Your mind was nothing but a swirl of emotions mixed into one giant mess, making you unaware of what was happening to you and around you, aware of nothing but the euphoric pleasure that coursed throughout your body.

"Yes!" Jacob moaned out, and with a few more hardened thrusts, he spilled his seed deep into your core.

He laid down upon your chest, panting desperately for air after such a hard but rewarding fuck. You looked down at him, and one look had you both in a series of giggles, smiles shared between you both.

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