Edward x Reader

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Just a quick update for the lovely @Vegvisir, hope you like it :) And sorry it took me a while.


Edward x Reader

The sun was setting in the oceans horizon, bright beams of orange light shone upon The Great Inagua, shining its orange hues upon everything in its path. A light salty sea breeze skimmed off the sea towards the beach, and you stood, eyes closed in relaxation, with the sand between your toes.

You loved evenings like this, full of beauty, warmth and nature. It was peaceful to hear the water lapping upon the white sand and the distant calling of birds. Your dress and your [h/c] hair danced in the breeze gently, effortlessly.

Stepping forward, your feet met the cold sun lit water and you sighed out contently. Though your tranquillity was disturbed as a pair of booted footsteps treaded through the sand towards you. Your head spun to see Edward, dressed in his usual assassin attire, with his hood down, revealing his blonde tied up locks.

A trickle of blood came from his lip as he sauntered his way over to you, his face slightly disgruntled due to the stinging of his lip. He stood next to you and dabbed his lip with the back of his hand.

"Bloody drunkards, think they own the place," Edward blurted out, and you turned to face him with your hands upon your hips.

"You got into another fight again, didn't you?" You asked, though it wasn't really a question as you already knew what the answer was.

"Aye I can't help it lass, they belittle me, thinking they run the settlement, but I think they fail to remember who it was that got this place back on its feet!" He exclaimed, his face screwing up slightly as he grew angrier by the second. With a sigh, you grabbed his chin and had a look at his lip.

"For god sake Kenway, you sure do get yourself into some trouble... come on, I'll sort that out for you," You said before grabbing his hand and pulling him up towards the Manor that overlooked the cove.


You began dabbing his lip with a wet cloth, earning yourself a slight hiss from Edward.

"Oh stop moaning, you're a man aren't you?" You said, a frown present on your face as you continued to dab. Edward grunted slightly and looked outside the window towards the darkening sky.

Silence bestowed you both as you continued with your work, concentrating on cleaning him up. Though after a bit, Edward shattered the silence into shards.

"Thanks for this love," He turned his eyes to meet yours. A faint smile crept up on your face and you gave in a slight nod.

"It's no problem, it's the least I could do seeming as you've saved my ass on many occasions,"

"You didn't need to repay me for that, I wanted to do that because I care for you," A frown etched on his brows as he spoke. A slight snigger rippled through your throat as you put the blood stained cloth back into the bowl of water.

"Now that's hard to believe," you said under your breath. You always thought Edward did it because he didn't want you to be a burden to anyone else... to stop you from getting into trouble. Not because he cared for you.

Edward's index finger gently lifted your chin up, making you look into his captivating blue eyes.

"I do care for you, love," He spoke a little quieter now, and there was a look on his face that you have never seen before, you couldn't quite explain it.

"I always have.. and I always will,"

Your heart jumped out of your chest right there and then. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't fight away the blush that heated up on your cheeks.

Ever so slowly, Edward began to close the distance between your lips, and he stopped mere inches away from you. A hot, musky breath glazed over your skin as he looked down at you, before finally, your lips met in a slow kiss. You closed your eyes, drinking in his liquored taste that seemed to intoxicate you. Edward, in that instant, set off a spark that you didn't know would ever exist.

The kiss, however, was short, as he winced out from his cut lip. You sniggered out a slight chuckle at his pain and looked up into his eyes.

Both of you remained there for a moment, before you broke the serenity.

"I need to go," You whispered and stood up. Before you left, Edward called your name. You turned your head to look at him sitting there at the table.

"Thank you for sorting my lip out,"

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