Arno x Reader: Part 2

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You'd wander around the streets of Paris almost dream-like as your thoughts didn't stray far from the strange hooded man. His lips still seemingly lingered on yours and you still felt his strong hands upon your waist, pulling you closer into his finely toned form. God. It surely made your head spin with want of more.

But that was a week ago.

With a sigh, you shook the thought of him from your head. You could not think of him, not when you would most likely never see him again. I mean, why would he ever think of you? A working class, penniless woman. With that reality check, you continued to head towards the fields, to do your days work.

A gun shot rang out through the chilled air, and you halted to a sudden stop in your tracks, startled by the alarming noise of fighting. It was normal during such dangerous times, what with Paris on the brink of a revolution. But you could never get used to the sounds that would randomly break out around you.

Though, intrigued by who was fighting and what for, it drove you to head towards the sound, your feet heading away from the outskirts and towards the direction of the gunshot. Most people began to run in the opposite direction, fearful of the sound, knowing that it mean't trouble. Normally you would have ran, but if it mean't you were a step closer to seeing the mysterious man once again, you were more than willing to be a little risky.

You watched from behind a hay crate, your eyes searching out who it was that the Royalists began to circle. Straining to get a glance, you finally saw him. The same robe, the same hood, and as he turned on the spot, the same face. Your heart suddenly leapt from beneath your skin, not only because you were happy to see the hooded man once again, but in fear for him as he was severely outnumbered.

Holding your breath, you watched on as each Royalist tried their luck, but each time they were counter attacked. Effortlessly, the hooded man drew his sword against theirs and drove it deep into their flesh, causing them to cry out in pain and fall to the floor to bleed out towards their death.

But the moments victory was short lived, as a burly, bear like Royalist brought down his wrath upon the man as his axe caught his left flank, slashing his waist with a clink of his blade. The man stumbled back, his hand instantly clutching onto his fresh wound with a groan. You gasped out, stepping forward to try and do something to help, but you quickly stopped yourself. The man had gotten this far in life without getting killed, and from the looks of things, he knew what he was doing, so what could you do to help? You could risk your life for him but end up dying anyway, with being no use at all, only a hindrance. So you quickly stepped back behind the hay cart once more as you watched, your heart racing against the speed of time.

With a deepened breath from the pain of his newly made wound, he grasped his sword tighter within his hand and took a moment to compose himself. Then, with a sharp intake of air, he launched himself towards the Royalist, bringing down his heaviest blows yet to stun the guard. With a stumble, the Royalist fell backwards to the floor, giving the man the opportunity to force down his blade into the guards chest.

With a squelch, the blade pierced the guards chest, and he took his last few breaths. Your eyes fell wide as you watched the guard's soul eventually leave his mortal body. Shaken by what you saw, you remained hidden for a few seconds, trying to calm your racing thoughts and unsteady breaths. But as your eyes fell to the hooded man, seeing that he now looked down upon his wound, you knew you couldn't just leave him unattended.

Hesitantly, you emerged from your hiding spot and stepped over to the man. His head snapped up at the sound of your foot steps, expecting to see another Royalist, grasping his sword tighter in his hands once more. You froze, already nervous about the whole situation at hand, and with him being on edge, you didn't know whether to just run. But then you saw his face drop, and so did his sword when he recognised your face.

"H-hello again," You managed, waiting for him to put his sword away before you finally continued to step over towards him.

"You're the woman... who i...?"

"Oui," You replied quietly, "Seems like you're always in danger hm?"

The man looked down at his badly bleeding wound, and he stifled a laugh in spite of his pain, "Seems so,"

"Come," you said as you held out your hand towards him, "I'll patch you up,"

With a nod, the man took your offer, slipping his hand into yours, and you led him towards your home.

Your home wasn't much, just one of the rooms in a multi story house, shared with other residences. With his hand still in yours, you led the man up the stairs and finally into your apartment. You could see him looking around, inspecting, and what you could only percept as judging your home.

"I know its not much-" you began, but the man gave you a reassuring smile.

"But it's home... no, i like it,"

A smile crept up across your face, and you led him over to the small dining table sat beneath the window.

"Take your jacket and shirt off, and we'll get that cleaned up," You ordered, and as you began to gather all that you could, stitching, water and a cloth, he began to undress, revealing inch my inch of his firm and toned form. You couldn't help but glance over, and your heart almost raced out of your chest. How could this happen? That one minute he was kissing you in an alleyway, next he's sat half naked upon your kitchen table. What was you doing [y/n]? What the hell was you doing?

You took your place on the chair beside him, and began to dab the wet cloth around his wound, cleaning it up to reveal the true extent of his wound.

"This looks bad,"

"It's merely just another scar, it's fine," He said with a slight strain in his voice, clearly it hurt more than he was putting on, "Whats your name?"

"[Y/N]," you replied, "You?"

"Arno," he answered, his eyes flickering down to yours, and you couldn't help but smile. He was handsome, with his soft and kind features, and you could tell he was young.

Once you'd finished cleaning his wound, you took out the needle and thread and began to stitch up his wound. However, he groaned softly as the needle pierced his skin.

"Sorry," you were quick to apologise, but Arno shook his head.

"It's fine, i should thank you for this," He said, "Twice i've dragged you into my problems and twice you have aided me,"

"Well i didn't particularly have a choice the first time," you giggled, and Arno stifled a slightly awkward laugh.

"Oui... sorry about that,"

"Don't be, it was quite thrilling to say the least," you finished stitching him up, and you rose up to your feet, "There we go,"

You grabbed the bowl of bloodied water and was about to turn away, but Arno grabbed your arm gently, stopping you in your tracks.

"Thank you [Y/N]," He said once again, but this time, his dark brown eyes seeming searched deep into your own [E/C] eyes, and he lifted his other hand as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, "You know... i've never been able to get you out of my mind,"

"Neither have I," Your voice came out as nothing more than a whisper, and a thick tension began to form between the two of you.

Slowly, Arno lean't closer into you, his eyes flickering from your lips to your eyes, until he was close enough that you felt his breath tingle against your face. Your breath hitched at his close proximity, and your eyes fluttered closed before finally, his lips pressed softly against yours. You didn't hesitant in reciprocating.

With his large masculine hand, he ran his fingers through your hair and cradled the back of your head, pulling you closer as his lips moved against yours. Your head began to spin. His scent filled your senses, and it made you crave for more. You moved forwards to press against him, but you forgot that you held the bowl of bloodied water in your hands which was suddenly knocked and spilled all over the both of you.

A loud gasp came from both of you, and you took a moment to process what happened. Now drenched in red water, you looked up at Arno, and as your eyes met, you both began to giggle.

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