Ezio x Reader

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Here you go @RougeKenway2003 took me long enough I know, but still, here it is! :3


Ezio x Reader


Your inquisitive eyes looked around at the blue morning sky as the gentle Venetian breeze flurried through your [h/c] hair. You didn't notice the voice at first, but as it spoke out again a little louder, your head snapped around to look at the man effortlessly rowing the gondola through the canal.

"Signorina, we are near the Biblioteca," The man said as he looked down at you, awaiting for you to reply.

"Ah Si, just stop by the dock," You turned back around to admire the beautiful views of the tall buildings that lined the city's waterways. You hadn't been in Venice before, so as your father brought you with him whilst doing some business, you took the opportunity to go to the library and read as many books as you could.

It was a peaceful morning, and you decided, instead of walking all the way to the library from your father's Villa, you would take a gondola and indulge yourself in the sights during a relaxing journey. But all of that changed when a shout was heard not too far away, and suddenly, a man in a white robe, which fluttered in the wind like an eagle, jumped onto the gondola causing it to rock violently in the water. The man who you paid to row the gondola fell into the water with a yelp and a splash, and the robed man began to row the gondola himself.

"Merda, what do you think you are doing, Signore?!" You exclaimed as the shock of his actions took over you instead of fear. Who knew what this strangers intentions were. Who knew what he was running from. All you knew was that the soldiers were after him as they skidded to a stop on the wooden platforms before they could fall into the water, and cursed as they saw him rowing away from them.

He turned his hooded face to look at the receding figures of the guards, and when he bided it safe, he looked back down at you.

"My apologise Bella Donna," He smirked at the sight of your beauty and bowed slightly, "I just needed to borrow the gondola,"

"Why were the guards after you?" You asked without hesitation, and his smirk widened into a smile.

"Oh you don't want to know," He said with a slight huskiness to his voice, which in return, made your own lips turn upright.

"Oh I think I do,"

His whole dark and mysterious demeanour of his made your heart race with excitement, and his smug smirk drew you in even more. And as he stepped down from the platform, onto the passengers' seats, he reached his hand down towards you and his finger gently pulled at your chin, making you look directly into his shadowed eyes.

You held your breath, knowing that if you didn't, it would be hitched and ten times the speed it normally was. You never felt it with anyone else before, but he triggered off the knotting of your stomach and the tingling within.

He saw the sudden change of prying eyes to those of lust, of want. And so he ducked his head down and connected his lips with yours. The kiss was slow at first, as though testing the waters, but then it sped up, his tongue meeting yours in sweet collisions. You could smell his musky scent, and you could feel the fiery explosions that set off within yourself, which was something that you had never felt before.

You had never kissed a stranger either, you didn't know what to expect as he lowered down towards you. You found that it was exhilarating, more exciting as his identity remained a mystery. Who knew what he was... a thief, a pirate, a murderer. But the danger gave you adrenaline.

He broke the kiss and looked into your [e/c] eyes with his darkened ones. His voice was hoarse from the passion of the moment you both shared.

"Where are you heading to?" He asked, and your eyes searched his.

"The biblioteca,"

"An intelligent Bella Donna?" He smirked and backed away from you as he began to row the gondola towards the direction of the library, and as he moored the gondola, he offered his hand so he could help you up to the dock.

"May I have the name of my escort?" You asked before he had the chance to leave, your wine red dress drifted calmly in the gentle wind that blew.

"Ezio, Ezio Auditore Da Firenze," He replied before rowing the gondola away. You watched him dissipate into the cities structured waterways. A sigh escaped your lungs as you felt his lips still lingering on your own. Ezio Auditore, what an awfully wonderful mystery you are.

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