Connor x Reader

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Second requested one shot from xCloudlessNight, I hope you like. It got a bit frisky as you can see :3



Connor x Reader

You walked around Boston, looking for Connor, but no matter where you looked you could not find him. If he went back to the Homestead, to the frontier or to New York, he would have told you surely. Yet you stood around feeling a little troubled and rather panicked because you could not find him.

What if something happened to him? You knew that it was unlikely that anything had happened to him, but there was always that possibility.

In the corner of your eye, a dark figure hastily withdrew into the dark alleyway of the street. Hesitantly, you followed after the figure, your body almost forced you to follow it even though your mind was telling you not to. You felt this overwhelming feeling of danger pulsate within you, but you were curious all the same.

You followed the figure until you reached a warehouse, in which you wandered into its unknown. The stench of damp wood and the crooked feel of the old building made you cautious and tense. It did not help that you had lost sight of the figure, as it disappeared within the building before you entered. Who knows where it was now.

You stood in the middle of the building, taking in the eerie atmosphere the building alone created. Around you were many barrels and crates stacked and stored one on top of the other, yet they seemed disowned and abandoned. Clearly no one had come back to claim them.

A clattering of wood echoed through the building which made your head sharply snap around in the direction, and with slow footsteps, you carefully trekked towards the noises location. Only to find nothing but scattered empty crates lying over the muddy ground. With a sigh, you murmured under your breath,

"Blasted rats..."

Turning on your heels, you were about to leave the building and carry on your search for Connor, however, an ear-piercing explosion collided with your ears causing you to duck and let out an inaudible scream that was masked from the explosion. Your heart skipped a beat and as soon as you recovered from the unexpected and rather frightening explosion, you slowly stood and looked around.

Immediately, your [e/c] eyes widen to the raging fire that roared and danced its way around the wooden structure of the building and around all the other barrels that were no doubt filled with gunpowder or other flammable chemicals. With all the energy you had, you rushed towards the door.

Before you could even escape, another explosion screeched in your ears which caused you to collapse to the ground from the force. Ears now ringing, your sense of awareness had temporarily been lost. You laid there almost dazed and confused, your breathing short as you panted for air.


Connor saw the flickering flames that raged far above the abandoned warehouse. Intrigued, he ran over to it and stood watch with curiosity. Many other citizens who heard and saw the explosion ran over to see what damage had been made, and a few others came with buckets of water to calm the enraged flames.

Audible conversations buzzed about the current situation, a few questioned how it may have happened and what may have caused it. Then there were other conversations that had immediately perked Connor's eagle like ears.

"Didn't a girl enter the warehouse a short time before?"

"Yes I don't think I saw her leave either,"

"So she's still in there?"

"I think so, yes,"

With that, Connor set to work on scanning the building to find a way in, and once he did, he scaled his way up and in.

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