Shay x Assassin!Reader: Part 2

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A/N: Not at all 5 years late! Hope those who have stuck around are not mad at me 😂 I will finish what i started, i promise!


"What the hell was that?" Your co-worker asked as you both met at the bureau. She had previously watched you as you ran away from Shay, and as Shay, the man you both were committed to assassinating, walked away unscathed.

"I-I don't know-"

"You don't know? You had the perfect opportunity to kill the traitorous bastard and you let him walk away!" She cried out frustratedly, and you could understand why.

"I know, b-but he... Harriet, he lowered his blade. He lowered it and let me escape," You explained, your voice lowering to a whisper so no one else could hear you other than Harriet herself, "He let me live so I took the opportunity to go,"


"So maybe he's a good guy?" You suggested, but even after you said it, it sounded like wishful thinking. Like you were hoping that one good deed could redeem the man.

"A good guy?" She sighed, her eyes rolling at your words, "Someone who used to fight for freedom then turned to fighting to rule the world through manipulation and control, no, he's not a good guy... he's a coward and a traitor. Nothing less than that. So next time? Just do the damn job!"

You watched as Harriet stormed off, leaving you standing alone in the corridor.


The next few days you were let off your duties upon Harriet's advice to the Master Assassin, and so you took the time to take up some respite. You leisurely walked along the harbour as the ships within Boston went to and from the open Atlantic sea carrying cargo.

A kerfuffle was heard in the distance along the harbour raising your attention, and you went off to investigate.

"Smallpox you say?" You heard one voice.

"Aye, whole crew apparently," another replied.

Your eyes watched as bodies were carried from the ships to the warehouse at the end of the harbour, and your face dropped realising exactly what had happened. A cargo ship with an infected crew. There was only one solution for that.

"You cannot destroy my ship!" The Captain bellowed.

"In fact we can, sir, and we will," The harbourmaster replied, his voice thick with authority, "If it means keeping the disease from spreading throughout Boston,"

"You will regret this!" The captain threatened.

"Regret what?" An Irish voice interjected, and your eyes lifted at the distinctive voice. However, when you saw the figure as he wedged himself between the Captain and the Harbourmaster, your lips parted. There he was, the turncoat. Shay Cormac.

"This is MY ship. MY livelihood!" The Captain's finger pointed towards the harbourmaster, his face flushed like a tomato.

"Smallpox is riddled throughout his crew. Killed a few of them too. The cargo aboard could infect the city and I cannot risk it!" The harbourmaster explained to Shay, and you watch as Shay nodded slowly.

"Well, there you have it. You will be compensated, mate. So it's worth being out of pocket for a short time than being the cause of a wide outbreak of smallpox. Am i wrong?" Shay cocked his brow at that, watching as the Captain pondered his words, and frustratedly shook his head.

"No," he sighed, "But i expect every penny back!"

As the Captain turned and left, so did the harbourmaster as he set about making preparations to set the ship alight, destroying any more risk of an outbreak. Left standing alone, Shay's eyes wandered at the crowd that had formed, all who had watched the commotion that finally was dissipated. Thats when his eyes finally landed on you and his face fell. Slowly his lips parted.

Seeing that he recognised you, your heart jolted with fear and you began to walk quickly away from the scene. However, you soon felt a hand grab hold of your arm, halting you to a stop. With a gasp, your head swivelled around to see Shay before you.

"Wait," He hurried, however, once you had stopped, he couldn't form any words.

"Why didn't you kill me?" You asked quietly, but your voice shook as it left your lips.

"I-I don't know," He shook his head. With a scoff, you tried to pry yourself away, only to have his grip tighten, "I...don't know who you are, yet you captivated me the moment I laid eyes on you,"

His words sent butterflies fluttering crazily within your stomach. His brown eyes melted softly into your skin, and you wished you could bury yourself into him, this stranger, this man who you knew hardly anything about except that he was a traitor. Yet you knew that it was dangerous territory. To associate with this man was enough to claim you as a traitor too.

Seeing your mind working overdrive from his words, his grasp loosened. With that, you took the opportunity to slip your arm free and you once again made your escape.

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