Haytham x Reader

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So xCloudlessNight, I have finally finished it! I hope you enjoy this, I struggled with the last part, so sorry about that.



Haytham x Reader

An eruption of screams escaped your throat as each lash of the whip struck down and tore apart your skin. But no matter how much pain you were in, you were not to give them any information about the Assassin Brotherhood. You swore an allegiance and you were going to stick by it, meaning no matter what was happening to you, whether you were being tortured to the brink of death or under the barrel of a pistol, you were not going to give them useful information that may abolish the brotherhood.

"Listen here love, we will let you go, only if you tell us what the Assassins are planning. Simple as," The man's cockney voice said, buttering over the lust for your pain. Through you blood, sweat and tears, you choked out a yell, trying your hardest not to whimper.

"I will not tell you Templar Bastards anything! So do your worst, you will not get anything out of me!" You turned your bruised face to avert your [e/c] eyes to the man with the whip. He began to circle your body that was hung by your hands by rope in the middle of the room. You had little energy to keep yourself upright, so your legs were limp on the ground.

"Fine, if that's what you want. There is no point keeping you alive much longer," Ferocity shadowed his blue eyes as he raised the whip and struck it down harder than before, causing the lash to take away all the air you held in your lungs. Your skin ripped apart baring raw flesh on your back and warm blood trickled down your body. The blue cotton dress you wore was now nothing but demolished fabric that only just covered your womanly body parts. It was stained in blood and sweat that seeped from your afflicted being.

The door behind you opened, a creak perked your ears and alarmed the Templar, causing him to stop in his thrashings and to look at the Grand Master Templar with large eyes.

"G-Grand Master...?" He stuttered, his voice like that of a young boy getting caught doing something bad by his mother. You felt too weak to turn your head towards the man. Your whole body was pulsating with the stinging pain of your open wounds. The room was silent for a moment, until you heard a click from the pistol and an echoing, deafening explosion that smoked from his flintlock. The man suddenly dropped to his knees, and finally face forward to the floorboards.

"[y/n]... my god," He quickly stepped into your view, his grey eyes scanning over your blood covered body in shock and guilt. But you knew he had nothing to be guilty for and so you managed a weak smile towards him.

"H-Haytham..." Was all you could manage as you still worked on getting the air that you lost back into your lungs. Quickly, he worked on the restraints that held you upright in the middle of the room. As he did so, he spoke, his voice slightly louder than before.

"How the hell did this happen? I did not authorise this!" Soon your hands were free from the burning sensation of the ropes, and you quickly fell, only to be caught in his arms. As he caught you, you finally let out a whimper that was held in the back of your throat the whole time. Your whole body trembled as the stinging pain intensified.

Haytham carried you back home to the comforts of familiar surroundings that contrasted with the room you were held captive in previously. Cold, damp and dark to warm, cosy and relaxing. The comparison was too great that it made you instantly release your tensed muscles. The heat of the room hit you as Haytham carried you inside effortlessly. His large hands enveloped your body, holding you close to his chest. His aroma was the thing that kept you going, kept you sane from the agony of the wounds that marked your once flawless skin.

He did not hesitate to get you to your bed and get all the things ready to treat the bloody mess that was covering your being. Bandages, a bucket of water, cloth and alcohol was placed on your bedside table as Haytham prepared everything, and you prepared yourself mentally for the horror that was going to come next.

With his hidden blade, he cut along the middle of your ragged dress to expose your bareness, making your cheeks burn at your sudden reveal. Trickling water reached your ears and within a matter of seconds, the soaked cloth was gently placed on your back, causing you to flinch and let out a sharp whimper from your throat.

"I'm sorry [y/n].. I know this hurts," He whispered before dabbing the cloth again on the wounds. It seemed to take ages for Haytham to clean up the blood from your wounds, and you knew that it wasn't the end of it.

Before he continued on, he knelt down on the floor to face you and looked into your [e/c] eyes. Your hand was engulfed into his and he gave you an apologetic look that cut deep into your soul, knowing that not only does he hate to see you like this, but worse is to come. Soft lips pressed against yours, but was soon parted as Haytham stood up and grabbed the alcohol. Quickly, he poured it over your back. A high pitched scream escaped your lungs, instantly taking your breath away as your back felt as though it was on fire. You wanted to writhe away from the pain but strong hands kept your body at bay.

"Sh, sh. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Almost done," His voice soothed and finally, as soon as the pain calmed down, he sat you up and began to wrap the bandage around your panting form. Sweat rolled down your body.

"All done, you were so brave," His voice whispered in your ear from behind and a gentle, caring kiss was placed on your shoulder. Your eyes closed in relief and you was helped back onto the bed were your eyes slid shut, causing you to fall into the darkness. The pain had subsided as all you dreamt about was the man who treated you. He was your saviour, as he had been many times before.

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