Connor x Mohican!Reader

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Hey guys so this is my second one shot, this one is a Connor x reader one (okay so maybe it's a Ratonhnhaké:ton x reader one shot, but it's basically the same thing)

So... you are a Mohawk in this... yeah... enjoy x

WARNING: This one shot contains some sexual content, so if your not comfortable with that, then I suggest you don't read it. Don't say I didn't warn you!!!


Connor x Mohican!Reader


You flinched as the sandy brown cloth covered your eyes, plunging you into total darkness. The only guidance you had was the large masculine hand that held yours supporting you as they led you to the unknown.

"Ratonhnhaké:ton... Ratonhnhaké:ton where are we going?" A laugh of uncertainty and curiosity waved through the air, reaching Ratonhnhaké:ton ears, making him smile.

"You will see," was all he said, then he fell silent. The sound of crashing water filled your ears as it descended down the waterfall that led to the lake near the village. The singing of birds and scurrying small feet was heard all around you as the native led you further and further into the wilderness.

The path he led you took to a steep climb and you began to wonder where the hell he was taking you. Ratonhnhaké:ton was one for adventures and exploring, usually he would drag you along whether you would like it or not. This was one of those moments.

As the floor evened out, Ratonhnhaké:ton's pace slowed and he put his hand on your waist, positioning you in the right spot before untying the cloth that concealed your eyes. Your eyes were exposed to the beauty that lay ahead and you quickly inhaled a gasp of bewilderment. Before you was the village and the forest that hugged around it. The waterfalls and river wound on the outskirts of the tree line and alongside the village, finally reaching its end in the lake which glistened under the blinding sunlight.

It was beautiful, almost magical.

As you looked around, you noticed how high up you were as you stood on the cliffs edge, which made you heart skip a beat slightly. Immediately you back up a few steps just to be on the safe side. Eyes were felt on the back of your head and your lips twitched as a smile threatened your lips. You and Ratonhnhaké:ton shared a friendship like no other. And often, when alone, you would feel his tender eyes on your skin as he stared at you longingly. As you turned around, you stared into his ebony eyes.

"This is magnificent..." Your voice came out in nothing more than a faint whisper, afraid of ruining such a moment. Ratonhnhaké:ton took a few steps closer to you and gently tucked a strand of your [h/c] hair behind your ear.



Your eyes opened as you were pulled out of your dream. That memory was played through your head many times and now you began to dream it. A sigh escaped your lips with hope that you would soon see your friend again. It had been almost 7 years since you last saw Ratonhnhaké:ton, and each day your heart ached, longing to feel his eyes on your skin again.

Outside the longhouse, the sun shone bright as you stared at the cloudless sky, as though you could feed off its beauty and live forever. But living forever would be unnecessary without someone to guide you on the right path. Immediately, your arms wrapped around your being. Never have you felt so low. But then again, it was coming close to the day when Ratonhnhaké:ton announced his departure 7 years ago. Not once did he come back to visit.

Around the village, the woman started with their daily chores, so you decided to join them. Over by the patch of land that was saved for growing crops, you helped the women harvest the ripe food that protruded from the earthy ground, placing them into a basket. Almost robotically, you took the basket to the lake side and began to wash the harvested food to rid it of its dirt.

Behind you a series of excited shouts erupted throughout the village.

"Ratonhnhaké:ton is here!"

"Welcome back!"

Your brows furrowed at the sound of his name, your head swivelling around to confirm what you had heard. A man dressed in a white robe that hugged his muscular build strode through the village, his figure and his attire was unknown. However, his skin colour and his chiselled features sent your heart racing with recognition. His hair was half tied up, revealing his manly facial features that defined his masculinity. He looked much older than he was when he left.

Without any hesitation, you dropped the basket and began to run straight to him. His eyes melted as he saw you running straight towards him and once your bodies met, his arms enveloped you, pulling you closer to him.

Later that day, Ratonhnhaké:ton told the Mother Clan of the situation with William Johnston, and from a distance, you listened intensely. You were shocked to hear that he had managed to kill him, so he was no longer a problem to the tribe. You didn't think he was capable of such things, but then 7 years was a long time for a man such as himself to train and become a ruthless killer. But if he was a ruthless killer, then wouldn't he have an aura of death around him?

Your mind swam with unanswered questions.


The sun had drawn in, and eventually you and Ratonhnhaké:ton had some time alone. With your hand in his, he led you back to the place that you had dreamt about the previous night, flooding your head with the heart aching need for his longing eyes to stare at you again. His hand moulded into yours as you both trekked the cliffs grassy terrain until finally you reached the edge.

A plenitude of contentment overwhelmed you as the memory of the cliff side was replayed. And the feeling of his eyes on your skin melted your being, creating a fluttery feeling in your stomach. Two hands traced along your hips and softly pulled you so your body was against his. A sigh of rapture passed your lips and his hot breath was felt on the back of your neck. You turned around to face him, your faces mere inches away from each other, mingling each breath that you took.

"Ratonhnhaké:ton... I missed you," You whispered, your eyes closing as your foreheads touched.

"[Name]...I-I..." Before he could finish his sentence, his lips gently pressed against yours and moved in a slow pace, allowing you to feel the neediness of the intimacy. The longer the kiss continued, the more passionate the kiss became.

Before long, he lifted your body and your legs wrapped around his torso, where he then carried you towards a tree. Your back rested upon the bark of the tree and the kisses became a series of light moans and tasting each other's sweetness.

Through the heated moment you both shared, you both began to strip down your clothes, rushing in doing so as you just wanted him to fulfil the moment of lust. Once you were bare skinned, he looked at you with eyes full of sentiment, making you feel loved in the way he treasured every inch of you.

Your hands worked on unbuttoning his robe and freeing him from the burden of his deeds for the brotherhood. For that, he was thankful and in returned he kissed your sensitive neck whilst you continued to strip him down till his muscular body covered in scars from his battles were revealed to you. Carefully and very delicately, you traced each scar.

You were soon writhing in pleasure as he was finally inside you, filling in the missing puzzle in your heart. Each thrust sent rolls of euphoria through each bone in your body, and your fingers tangled themselves in his dark hair, urging him to continue pleasuring you. Softened gasps and moans rippled through both of your throats as your sweaty bodies grinded against each other.

Finally both of you reached your limits and you climaxed together in sweet ecstasy.

"I-I love you [name]," He said through each pant that created his lungs to burn, causing your smile to gleam.

"I love you too,"

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