Jacob x Reader: Part 2

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Jacob x Reader: Part 2


Your [e/c] eyes instantly widened as panic made your heart almost stop. Heeled feet pounding against the platform, you ran after the train as it began to glide out of the station. Unfortunately for you, you had missed the train, and you watched with a heavy sigh as it disappeared upon the tracks.

"Christ," You said under your breath, your hand falling atop your head as you grasped a handful of hair out of frustration.

Your mind had been else where since your first encounter with Jacob Frye.
He was a gentleman that made your heart almost skip with joy, and yet you still felt as if it was all a facade. That deep down inside, he was a completely different person. A man with a whole different identity.

At the help desk, you stood patiently as you waited for the man behind the desk to give you a platform number and time for the next train to Greenwich. You had family affairs to attend to, and at this rate, you were no doubt going to be late.

"Please sir, I am in a hurry," You urged the man but instead of understanding your urgency for speed, he scowled up at you and purposely continued on much slower. He was biting at your last nerve and you let out a impatient sigh.

"Do you need to reach Greenwich, Miss [y/l/n]?" A familiar voice came from behind, and once your head swivelled in search of the source to the voice, your eyes immediately brightened.

"Mr Frye!" Your smile widened, "I am indeed,"

"I, too, am heading there, would you like to join me?" He said with a slight cock of a smile which never failed to make you smile back as you nodded.

Once settled down by a table within the car of the train, the train set off, bounding for Greenwich. The conversation between the two of you was light, but pleasant all the same.

"Do you have business in Greenwich?" Jacob asked, and you nodded slowly.

"Yes, I am to fetch some new dresses that my Aunt has made for me and my mother,"

Jacob nodded and stared out the window of the train, his eyes skimming over the city landscape. Through the corner of your eye, you scanned over his features. You studied each refined scar upon his brow and chin, and you looked deeply into those captivating hazel eyes.

"Who are you?" You asked quietly, and Jacob looked at you with a slightly raised brow, but when he saw the slight glint in your eyes, he lean't forward towards you over the table.

"Someone very dangerous,"

You were immediately intrigued and you too lean't forward in your chair, "Dangerous?"

His hazel eyes searched yours, and your own searched his, trying to figure him out.

"Yes," He said in an exaggerated husky voice that seemed to send an excited chill down your spine and make your heart race.

"And why is that?" You asked, and as his smile fell from his face gradually, he lean't back into his chair.

"I do bad things, [y/n], and for that sake, I will not risk your life by telling you what I do," He sighed, his eyes once again drifting to the city passing by.

You were once more intrigued, wishing he would tell you more, but instead you remained quiet and lean't back once more in your chair.

With a screeched whistle, the train pulled up inside Greenwich station. You followed Jacob onto the busy platform as every clambered from the train to continue on their journey elsewhere.

"Well, it's nice to see you again [y/n]," Jacob said with a small smile as he looked down upon your smaller frame.

"And you too,"

"I hope you aren't too late in getting those dresses," He laughed before leaning down and pressing his soft lips upon your rosy cheeks. His stumble slightly grazed your skin, heating up where he touched. His kiss made your heart race against your chest, and as he pulled away, the heat still lingered.

"Good day," He said before turning on his heel and walking into the sea of people.

As you walked out of the hoard of people within the station into the slightly less dense streets, you let out a shaken, slightly excited sigh of Jacob's kiss.

With a skip in your step, you made your way towards your Aunt's house, however, something grabbed your arm firmly and pulled you roughly into an alleyway. Before you could even get a glance of the persons face, your vision blacked out.

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