Arno x Reader: Part 4

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You had wondered about your daily life like normal, the comings and goings of people in the street like it normally was. The sun rising in the east and setting in the south in throngs of beaming rays shining down relentlessly on Paris's outskirts as you worked hard in the fields. But all the while, you were drowned in sadness, the type of sadness that dulled your senses, made you feel numb to everything around you. It made you feel as though nothing in the world would make you happy again, not the joy of children playing and laughing, not the warmth of the yellow sun, not even the birds singing their happy melody. All your head was filled with was thoughts of Arno.

Oh how he was broken, enough to make you feel his pain and want to take it all away. His pain was enough to push you away. You told yourself you didn't understand, but you did. You had an idea what he was going through, but your understanding of it all didn't help to clear away your own pain of his rejection. That evening, as you walked home, you took your time to try and clear your head, get yourself straight again.

The streets of Paris were quiet as the warming orange glow of the sun hugged them, the sky cloudless as the birds sung their last song before heading back to their nests to keep their chicks warm for the night. It was a beautiful evening, one that should uplift you and make you feel blissful. Your arms wrapped around yourself, hugging yourself tightly and wishing they were Arno's arms.

Tears were about to fill your eyes until chaos unravelled before you, gunfire echoing in the narrow streets and tall buildings, making your being jump and heart skip. You're instinct should have been to run, to get as far away from danger as you possibly could, but their was hope embedded in your heart. If there was a fleeting chance of seeing Arno once again, to try and get him to reconsider, to open up and let you back in again, you jumped at the chance.

Rounding the corner onto the cobbled street, your eyes fell upon his hooded figure for the first time in what seemed like a lifetime. His body was that of a bear, enraged and turbulent. You wanted to shout him name, to run over to him and enshrine him in your love, tell him that everything was alright. But his vision was tunnelled, only anger consuming him now.  And you knew there was no chance of breaking him away from this battle. You remained, stood like a statue, watching and waiting for it all to be over. But in the corner of your eye, the lifting of a long object, and your heart raced with time as you ran towards Arno. Another shot rang out, and your breath quickly escaped your throat.

"Merde! What the hell are you doing, you putain d'idiot," A voice yelled, "Come on, lets get out of here,"

Footsteps scattered, dispersing into the distance, and a voice rung out in your ear, "[Y/N]? No, no, no!"

Your eyes looked down, noting the distinct hole that now gaped in your abdomen, and crimson stained your blue work dress. The pain now starting to throb, made your legs shake and buckle under your weight. But before your body could hit the floor, Arno caught you and gently brought you down into his arms as he laid you down.

"We're going to get you patched up," He said shakily, his eyes looking around at any bystanders, "Please, someone get help!"

"A-Arno," Your voice was weak, your eyes gazing hazily up into his.

"It's okay, [Y/N], everything will be okay," His fingers tenderly stroked you cheek, the warmth of your skin fading with time.

"Arno," You tried again, "Just kn-know that,"

You paused, the pain intensifying and had you take another breath before you carried on, "Meeting you was the best thing to have ever happened to me,"

Arno's eyes began to fill with tears, his grasp on your body tightening as he drew you closer.

"And I wouldn't change a thing, other than not letting you leave that night," You said, your own eyes beginning to blur from the tears, "I love you,"

"No, don't you dare say goodbye, don't you dare,"

"It's okay, it will all be okay. You will be okay," You whispered. You're tears spilling down your cheeks. With a snivel, Arno pressed his lips against yours.

"I love you," He whispered back, and with that, your last breath was drawn. Arno took a moment as he watched your face relax and your eyes close peacefully. You looked beautiful and fragile, and Arno pulled you to his chest where he crumbled and silently sobbed, "I will always love you,"


Arno stood in the graveyard, the clouds gliding across the bright blue skies. As beautiful as the day was, with the birds once more singing their song and the sun twinkling through the leaves of the tries, a darkness overcame Arno. Flowers in hand, he placed them down on the two graves. Two bouquets for the two women he had loved. His breath shook.

"[Y/N], i know you said that everything will be okay but... i miss you so so much," He whispered, his eyes staring into the stone of your grave, then he looked over to Elise's headstone, "Both of you,"

Taking a deep breath, he brushed away the single tear that fell down his cheek, "But I have to move on. I have to remain strong for both of you. I'll never forget you, and i will always love you,"

With one last longing gaze at the stones, he turned and began his new life, his new journey.

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