Edward x Reader

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Only a short one seeming as I have been absent for a while! Hope you enjoy it.


Blood in your fingernails. Blood on your hands. Blood on your face. Blood was everywhere, filming over your skin and coating your dress. The shame bit at your skin, making the bloods presence enhance and your eyes to skip across the floor as your mind went into overdrive.

"[Y/n]?" You were snapped away from your daze, and you lifted your eyes with a sharp intake of air as they landed on Edward's rather concerned expression, "You did what you had to do, and I'm very proud of you for it, we all are,"

"You're proud of me for killing all those soldiers?" You croaked out, your voice almost inaudible. With a soft sigh, Edward lifted his calloused hand and cupped your blood splattered cheek soothingly.

"You're in shock, lass. Lets clean you up, eh?" He gave you a faint smile before guiding you away from the bloodied scene you created. All the while he had his arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to his side. His closeness was comforting in a way, despite all that had happened, but it did not take away the warm, stickiness that stained your hands.

As you both arrived at the ship anchored at Kingston's harbour, he led you aboard and straight into the cabin where he sat you down at the desk's chair. He disappeared, leaving you slumped in your shaken form, your mind drowning in the blood you spilt, haunting and taunting you, plaguing your mind. When Edward appeared back in, he held a pail of water with a cloth hanging over its edge, and he crouched down on the floor in front of your.

Gently he took your hand within his, and gently began to clean away the blood, taking care to remove every inch of the stain. As his eyes shifted up to yours, he met your eyes that willingly showed every emotion that coursed through your torn body. Your eyes filled rapidly with fresh hot tears, and in an instant, you found yourself pulled into Edward's beloved hold. His hand upon your head stroking your hair, whispering sweet reassuring words and caressing hushes into your ear. With that, the wail ripped from your being.

"It's okay, lass, it's all okay," He hushed gently, kissing your temple, "It's all over now..."

"...I love you,"

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