James x Assassin!Reader

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Edit: Some people have been correcting me and some have been very rude to me about the fact that James Kidd is depicted as a male despite being a female. Just to clarify, I have played Black Flag, and I do know that James Kidd is Mary Reed, but the person who requested this specifically asked for James Kidd to be male. If i receive any corrections, they will be ignored and any rude messages will be reported. I don't want to seem rude myself, but people do not think before they say things and it does get quite irritating.

This is super short, but quite cute.

Thanks for the request, bluephoenix1 :)

Enjoy :3


James Kidd x Assassin!Reader

Blood streamed down your temple, mixing in with your sweat and the pouring rain that pelted from the grey sky. Each rain drop sent a shudder through your exhausted body as you had spent hours training, and you weren't going to give up now.

You were training to become an assassin, a new recruit that hopefully the Brotherhood would not regret taking on. You put your heart and soul into the training, and you expected to succeed the best you could. With all the energy that remained in your body that caused you to be on the boarders of collapsing, you finally parried James Kidd from his attack and disarmed him. His eyes widened slightly at the sudden disappearance of his weapon. The cold metal blade of your own sword was placed at his throat as you smirked in your moment of glory.

"Well I can't say I'm surprised, I knew you'd get here eventually," he said with a coy smirk across his own face as he nods down to the threat of the blade. Your own [e/c] eyes were captivated into his and you allowed your aching arm to fall to your side. With a sigh of content, you turned on your heels and began to walk towards shelter, away from the pouring rain.

However, a rough hand grabbed your upper arm and flung you back. It was a matter of seconds before realisation hit you that James had pinned you between his legs on the muddy ground. Nothing was said as you gazed up with large and startled eyes into his chocolate brown ones. His dark brown hair that was held back with his red bandana, his strong features, his smirk, it all resulted with you staring up at him almost dazed. Up until now, you hadn't noticed just how handsome he was.

With a blush that spread across your face, James chuckled and leant down closer to your face. Mere inches was left between you and your heart was pounding out of your chest. His musky breath was making you insane with want and making your head spin.

Swiftly, you leant up to connect your awaiting lips with his, gaining James to freeze at the sudden attack of your lips. It did not take long until James relaxed and pressed his lips further into yours. Your lips moved together in perfect rhythm of passion. The kiss had been a sign of your building affection for each other. Since the first day you two had met, him being announced your mentor, through to training and now... this moment.

Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in closer into the hunger of yours lips. But as soon as a cough was heard from next to your moulding forms, James groaned almost inaudibly and pulled away.

"Mentor...sorry," Once he realised it was Ah Tabai, he rushed to his mud caked feet and faced his mentor.

"[y/n] has completed her training,"

"I see, well meet me back at the ruins when you are done," he eyed you, who was still lying flat out on the floor, and trudged through the mud as he walked away. Slowly you stood up and looked towards James.

"Thank you for training me," As you spoke, you received a small smile from Kidd, and he walked over toward you. His hand reached over to your dirty cheek and stroked your smooth skin.

"Welcome to the Brotherhood, [y/n],"

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