Ezio x Reader

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For @ExSt0ryTeller

Hope you enjoy :)


Ezio x Reader

You remembered the summer nights where Ezio would throw rocks at your window to grab your attention, and then both of you would ride beyond the walls of Florence and gaze at the glistening stars that hid behind the towering mountains. Those moment were magical, as you glanced at him shining in starlight, his handsomeness beyond your wildest dreams. You were completely and utterly lovestruck. Though you were young, and you knew now it would never have lasted, not with Ezio Auditore anyway. Soon enough his attention was caught by another. A Cristina Vespucci. Your young and naïve heart was broken for sure.

However, after Ezio's disappearance, you had matured. You no longer thrived on men's false promises, and you certainly didn't trust men either.

It had been 17 years since you last saw Ezio.

You could have sworn that would have been the last time you would see the likings of Ezio Auditore, but as midnight came, you were roused from your sleep by the light tapping of something being thrown at your window. With light patters of your feet along the wooden floor, you looked out the window to see a white robed figure down below. You opened the window carefully not to create too much noise, and you stuck your head out of the window, the cold breeze of the autumn night biting at your skin.

"Can I help you signore?" You asked with a frown, you were sure you had seen such a robe before.

"[y/n], it's me... Ezio," The man said, his name... his voice.. it was all too familiar, then your eyes widened with realisation... Ezio.... Ezio Auditore.

"E-Ezio?" You said in utter shock, it had been so long, and as he pulled his hood down from his concealed face, you could see just how much he had grown up. A beard was forming on his chiselled features, one that definitely matched his age.

"Let's go for a ride, si?"

You didn't know what possessed you to agree to go ride with him, maybe despite all the heart break and pain, you still wished for a chance to be with him? Who knew, either way, you didn't hesitate as you shut the window and got dressed. Then you tip toed down the stairs and outside. As you opened the door, Ezio had turned to walk away as he expected his suggestion to be declined, but he halted when he heard the door close with a quiet click.

"Ezio I-" Before you could finish what you were going to say, he grabbed your hand with his large worked hand and pulled you towards a horse of brown and white spots. He effortlessly mounted on first, then held out his masculine hand for you to take, in which you took without any hesitation. Once you were on the horse, he spurred the horse to the city wall and you took the route to the same spot you used to go when you were younger.

The place hadn't changed even after 17 years. The mountains were the same, the city was the same, nothing much had changed, and the two of you climbed off the horse and sat in the same place you had done all those years ago.

A comfortable silence had bestowed you both as you looked up at the stars that marked the inky blackness of the night sky, a feeling of happiness came over you. Though soon enough, anger over came you, realising how he'd left you with a click of his fingers.

"Why...?" You asked suddenly, Ezio's head turned to you and his brows furrowed.

"Why what?"

"Why did you leave me?" Your voice broke slightly with the painful memory now in your mind, and Ezio's eyes averted from yours to the grassy floor you both sat upon.

"I was young, [y/n]... young and arrogant,"

"Si... very arrogant for your own good," You sighed, and he looked at you with a slight smirk.

"But I came back because I know now what I truly want,"

You were a little confused at that, and so you furrowed your brows quizzically, and asked, "And what do you want?"

His voice became a mere whisper as he looked deeply into your eyes, to the point where you could see his soul.


You froze as you tried to take what he said in, then when it hit you, you looked down with a smile, your whole being began to heat up with happiness. Those words were all you ever wanted to hear from him, even after 17 years of hate towards him for his disappearance.

With his finger, he lifted your chin, making you looked into his eyes, and he lent in towards you. Inch by inch he closed in on you, your heart raced against your chest, and finally your lips met. He kissed you passionately, your tongues met in a sweet harmony that drew you in more and more, until he held your soul in the palm of his hand. His lips were just as soft and warm as you remembered them to be.

The warmth soon disappeared as your lips parted. And already you missed the sweet feeling of his intimacy. But his eyes were enough to keep you sane as they searched every inch of your face.

"I promise you that I will never leave you again... I love you," His voice was firm as his determination was set on keeping his promise, and with that, you felt reassured. Your head fell atop his shoulder and you held close to his side with his strong arm wrapped protectively around your waist.

"And I love you too," You replied with a smile, and for the rest of the night, you watched the shooting stars glide across the night sky.

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