Edward x Reader

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The wound ran deep, deep down into the hallows of your blood soaked abdomen. It was your liver. Pierced by the blade that tore through your being relentlessly. You felt numb, cold, empty, and you knew as you felt your soul slowly leave your being into the darkened starry skies above, you were dying.

"[Name]! Don't you dare do this to me, you hear me eh?" The blonde haired welshmen called down from above you as his toned arms held you tightly, as though trying with every power he held to bring your soul back down to you, "Don't you dare,"

"Edward... i'm so-"

"You have nothing to be sorry for. None of this was your fault," Edward shook his head violently, the blonde tendrils of hair falling gently around his face, perfectly framing his chiselled and weathered features. It made you smile. He was your perfection, your captain, who you shared so many memories and held so much love for. With the lasting strength that remained in your ever weakening being, you raised your hand to his face and stroked across his scarred cheek.

"Thank you Edward," you wheezed, and slowly your hand fell to his neck where hidden beneath his shirt, you pulled out a chain, with a wedding band dangling from it, "For everything... i love you,"

And with those bittersweet final words, your life finally gave way through the last breathe that escaped out into the salty sea air.

"[Name]..." Edward whispered out as your body stiffened and your face turned grey, death overcoming you. Quietly, Edward's face turned, pulling your body towards his as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. Silent sobs shook his shoulders.

Booted footsteps paced over but halted at the sight of the crumbling captain holding his lost love.

"Kenway," Came a grizzly voice, hushed by the scene that fell before him, "Lad, what the hell happened?"

Thatch's hand found Edward's shoulder as the old mans eyes befell on your stone cold face, so at peace. Once Edward finally prized away his face from your neck, Thatch saw the broken man he was.

"I couldn't stop him Thatch... i couldn't stop him from hurting her,"

For once in his life, Edward looked and sounded like a lost boy.

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