Arno x Reader: Part 3

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Part 3 cos I love writing about poor old Arno. Part 4 will be the last one, so enjoy guys, its about to get juicy!

After the passionate kiss you shared, Arno came to see you almost everyday. He would come to your doorstep, leaning his toned form against the wooden doorframe, and share secret kisses with you. The few weeks were like you were living a teenage dream, your stomach fluttering like a thousand butterflies scrambled inside you, and your cheeks flushed rosily. However, it had been over a week since you last saw him. Maybe he was busy, as you knew he led a dangerous and secretive life. He had yet to tell you what he did, and yet he promised you that soon he would tell you, but mentioned he had to do something first. You put his absence down to this reason, and so you waited everyday for him to return to your doorstep.

As the day cane when you heard the knock at your door, your heart skipped and your stomach sparked like fireworks igniting, ready for the explosion that you expected to feel as soon as you saw him handsome face once mire. But, as you opened it with a creak from the hinges, Arno's presence was not the same. Darkness and sorrow filled the air, and your face fell at his pale and sunken features. He looked unwell, and your eyes searched his face as his gaze remained fixed on the ground.

"Arno? What is it?" You asked hesitantly. But no reply came from the man, and so you cup his chin and gently lift his face. His eyes were full and his cheeks were stained from his tears. You had never seen him full of pain as he was now, "Arno?"

The once resilient and resolute man, was now a crumbled being before you as he broke down and allowed his head to fall into your chest. You hushed gently, stroking the back of his head. You're heart broke for him, even as you didn't know what happened, it pained you to see him in such a way.

"Come on, lets go inside, shall we?" You asked, grasping his hand and leading him up to your apartment. You sat him down on your bed and went about making him a cup of tea, but as you went over to hand it to him, his head fell against your stomach, his hands grasping at your hips.

"Arno, tell me what happened," You said, placing the tea down on the bedside table.

"My friend... Elise..." he said with a deep breath, "She was killed last night,"

You felt the colour from your face drain and your heart broke once more for the crumbled man in front of you. Kneeling down, you grasped his face between your hands, wiping away his tears with your thumb, "Oh Arno, i'm so sorry. Was she a close friend?"

He looked down, his lips thinning as he thought for a second about his reply, "We were childhood sweethearts. But fate had other plans for us,"

Your body sunk, tears pricking at the back of your eyes. Gently, you kissed his forehead and pulled him into a hug. You could not imagine losing someone you love or had loved, no matter the circumstances. It was then that Arno's face lifted to yours, his lips pressing firmly against your lips. It caught you off guard, the forcefulness in which he kissed you, but you reciprocated as quickly as you could process. The kiss grew fierce, needy and desperate, as though searching for relief from the pain that consumed Arno's heart.

With large hands, he lifted you up and wrapped your legs around his waist, and with a spin, he threw you on top of the bed. A gasp slipped past your lips, this was so unexpected of Arno. Previously he had been so careful and so respectful. But now, it seems like he only wanted one thing, and to be perfectly honest, you weren't going to say no. He began to strip you of your clothes until you were in nothing but your shift, and then rid himself of his own. He wasted no time as he reconnected your lips and tore away your shift until you were fully exposed to him. He didn't give you a chance to feel exposed as his fingers began to pleasure you, consuming you in a blissful sensation that burnt between your legs. And once you were finally ready for him, he slipped inside you.

The sex was animalistic, fierce and hungry. Your moans uncontrollably slipped passed your lips as you clung on to the headboard of the bed. And Arno, with each hard thrust he produced, groaned and tightly grasped the bed sheets beneath you. You knew, without a doubt, that this wasn't the passionate and romantic sex you had in mind for your first time with Arno, as this was a release Arno needed to take his mind off the pain and suffering he was going through. And before he could finish, he pulled out, and finished himself off.

You laid there, exhausted and overly satisfied. But your eyes watched Arno as he collapsed beside you and stared up at the ceiling. Moments passed, and Arno remained silent.


"I think it's best we don't see each other again,"

You froze, your mouth parting in disbelief to the abruptness of his statement, "W-what do you mean? Why?"

"Because..." He swallowed hard, "Whenever anyone gets close to me, they get killed,"

"No... Arno. You're just saying this because-"

"I mean it, [Y/N]," He interrupted, his eyes sliding shut. He knew if he looked at you then his mind would change.

"Arno please," You sat up, pleading him but he got up and began to get changed, "Please don't do this,"

"I'm sorry, [Y/N],"

Once he was dressed, he left, without a single look your way.

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