Chapter 54:- Phil, Dan and Sophie

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My heart thudded loudly in my chest as I reached for the door handle, Sophie watched me from the bed with wide fearful eyes, I guess we were both thinking the same thing. What if it was Joe? Surely he wouldn't knock or be so patient and if it was, why would the others let him anywhere near her after the stunt he just pulled.

I sighed and pushed the handle down, I had a bad feeling about this. I slowly pulled the door toward me and there Dan stood, tears welling up in his eyes as he clung to a small box and a now crumpled up note. I wiped my forehead and breathed out heavily, not knowing I was holding my breath.

Dan stared at me and whispered for me to leave, "phil please just go, I need to speak to her, it's bad" he said collecting me up into a hug before venturing into the room. I looked back at him, surely it wasn't too bad but just incase I picked up my phone, winking at Dan to text me, he nodded so I grabbed my jacket and made my way out the room.


I watched as Phil pick up his phone and winked at me, of course he wanted to know and of course I would tell him, I just needed to tell Sophie first. I nodded and watched as he left, the door the shutting with a loud bang almost signifying how this was going to go. I stuffed the box and note into my pocket, I would give her it when it felt right.

I looked up at Sophie and tried to dry my eyes secretly, she would not see how tough this way on me, I had to be there for her, to be strong and help her through this and damn right I felt responsible.

She sat there, hands fumberling around in her lap, her breathing still heavy and her cheeks still slightly red from where the tears had poured from her beautiful bright green eyes, that were now focusing on me.

She was trying to find the good news she hoped for. Sadly she wouldn't be getting any and it was my job to tell her. I breathed in deeply and dragged my hand through my hair, something I didn't do unless I was stressed and I definitely was at the moment.

I grasped her hand in mine, looked deep into her eyes and knew I had to do this. She had a right to know, to have the chance to say what she wanted to say. I wouldn't even stop her if she ran into the bed room and slapped me and Joe both round the face.

I tried, I really did but I just couldn't force myself to get past the first few words without almost bursting into tears. I kept mumberling to the point of where she had to ask me to speak up or I stuttered to the point it didn't even sound like I was talking proper sentences anymore.

She sighed as I stuttered once again, "S-S-So-oph-i-i-ee, i-i-i'm-m-m s-s-so s-s-so-o-r-r-r-y". She nodded and hung her head " hes breaking up with me isn't he " she sighed softly as if she knew it was going to happen at some point. My mouth hung open as a sign of how stunned I was, how had she known?


As I watched Dan struggle through his sentence yet again I knew something was wrong so my mind jumped to the worst things I could imagine, had Joe tried to kill himself? Hurt one of the guys? Gone after Marcus or was he just breaking up with me? I mean all were possible at the moment but the one which made the most sense was the latter.

I sighed and asked Dan the harrowing question and for a while he couldn't even look at me, he just sat there tears running down his flushed cheeks as he tried to find his voice. In the end he just nodded and said how sorry he was. I softly smiled it wasn't his fault he had no reason to be sorry, I just hoped he was alright I mean it would have played on his mind at how cross or upset ibwould be when he told me and he would probably felt guilty at the fact he was the one who had to tell me.

I gathered him up into a hug and whispered softly in his ear that I didn't hate him, that it was okay, that I wasn't mad and that he could break down if he really wanted to. And he did, so we sat there for about half an hour curled up next to each other just crying about the situation and how this whole thing had come to a conclusion. Some of me was glad the torment was over however all of me yearned for Joe to return, wished he hadn't just given up on us.

I dried my tears and unravelled myself from Dans arms, we probably looked awful but I couldn't care less, I felt closer to Dan than anyone else in my entire life and I was sure if I wasn't so head over heels for Joe I could learn to love Dan more than just a close friend almost brotherly type person.

To say I felt something towards him in that way was ridiculous to say the least, the closer I got to him the more I respected and loved him like a close brother. However I could understand how someone could think that and get the wrong impression of our relationship. Even if we had only met a few days ago I felt like I had a huge connection with him, a connection in which I now guessed Phil had with him. It was something to be cherished and would only grow stronger the more we went through together.

Dan sniffled and smiled at me, " you look a mess" he joked jabbing me softly in the ribs trying to atleast cheer me up. " aww thanks that makes me feel great, but atleast I don't look as bad as you" I said sarcastically, getting off the bed and looking in the mirror only to fix my hair.

He placed his hand on his heart and looked as if I had badly wonded him with my comment " jesus I was joking, why would you hurt me like that?" he joked, grinning widely. I turned to him and smiled I was glad we could joke with one another in a time where everything was so sad and depressing. "Oh come on its not as if you spend hours on your hair and face every morning... Oh wait" I grinned, knowing damn well how long he had spent in the bathroom this morning. He just shook his head " Too far misses" he laughed before getting off the bed and tickling me.

I screamed and tried to run away, I hated to be tickled but somehow it seemed like this was the most fun I had, had in weeks. Dan had somehow brought me out of my shell and I was loving being myself again. I retreated into the corner only then realising my mistake, I was trapped between an advancing Dan and a brick wall.

Damn I didn't work well under pressure.

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