Chapter 30 - Sophie

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  • Dedicated to Joe Sugg

I couldn't believe what Zoe had just told us, Joe was going to be an uncle and I was apparently going to be one of the god parents. I was extremely excited for them, they were the couple that had made me beileve in love and everything it stood for. If I didn't have them I wouldnt be where I am in my youtube career or in my personal relationships. I really hope for the best and that everything would run smoothly. I think Joe was also extremely happy, even though he has said he doesn't support Zalfie, Joe loves kids and to hear that he would get a niece or nephew would make him so happy.

Me and Joe had decided since the possitiveness towards our relationship and the recent news we had just been given, we would go out for a lovely meal just the two of us.  We booked a table at a lovely italian resturant in the middle of town that had been rewarded for its delicious food, I had been there serval times and loved it so I was really looking foward to it. Our table would be ready at 6:30 pm and it was already 4:45pm so I decided to get ready.

I undressed and turned on the water for a shower, whilst I waited for the water to warm up I wrapped a soft towel around me to keep myself warm. I stood with my back towards the bathroom door, my music blazing over the pumerling sound of the water and was hypnotised by the droplet as they caught the sun and reflected it to form a rainbow, little did I know that Joe had creeped into the room behind me. I screamed as two hands grabbed me around the waist, as I screamed I dropped the towel which was hiding my body from the intruder.

I turned and slapped Joe on the shoulder, " Dick, you scared the shit out of me" I shouted looking down at the floor before realising the towel I had been holding was scattered in a pile on the floor. Immediately registering that I was naked infront of Joe I tried to cover myself, but it was too late he had seen me and I couldnt hide it. Seeing that I was having a problem covering myself Joe bent down and picked up the towel before hesitantly giving it to me, I took it wrapping the soft cover around me. " Joe what are you doing in here, I was just about to get in the shower, so if you dont mind?" I said pushing him towards the door with one hand whilst the other held onto the towel. "well I was just going to suggest that we shower together since thats a thing couples do but if you dont want to ... ?"  he said with a sad face, turned and walked towards the door.  Immediately I felt bad for him, "Joe" I shouted grabbing his hand and turning him back towards me, " I would love that " I said kissing him on the lips. We pulled away and smiled at each other, I dropped the towel and allowed Joe the full veiw of my nakedness, the only comment he managed to responded with was "come on then what are we waiting for?"  as he pulled his t-shirt over his head which was quickly followed onto the floor by all the other clothes.

It was 6 o'clock on the dot when me and Joe were finally ready, the shower had lasted a little longer than expected and had even carried on in the bedroom, if you know what I mean, if you dont I will put it bluntly by saying Joe is amazing in bed. I had recently brought a dress before going to London and I had been meaning to wear it for a special occasion so I decided that since we were technically celebrating two things I would wear it. The dress was blue/purple in colour, was strapless, ruffled and had a sliver jeweled waistband around the middle of it. I combined the dress with some silver heels I had picked up to go with any of my other dresses, a little silver glitter handbag a silver necklace, a pair of earrings Joe had brought me when we were only friends and a couple of sparkly hairgrips. I decided to wear my hair half up half down. Lastly I used a leather jet black jacket that came up to my waist and had orginally been my mums when she had been a teenager, to bring my style together. My makeup consited on tined moisturiser, concealer, mascara, a little bit of purple eye shaddow, eyeliner and a sparkly lipstick. It looked more natural than i wanted it too and i wasnt overly keen on it however It still went well with my dress and that was all I wanted.

I was stood in the lounge putting in my earings when Joe entered the room. He wore a dark blue top that was branded with the name of a band, I had no clue who they were. Tight black skinny jeans were plastered on his legs and I was surprised he could actually walk naturally in them or that he could even feel anything in the downstairs area, surely they weren't comfortable.  On his feet he wore white converse that were in perfect condition and I wondered if they were new or not, a black leather belt held up the skin tight jeans and I wondered how they still could be so big on him that he would need a belt, the belt finished in a bright blue buckle that sported white writing on it, I tired to keep my eyesight away from that area as I didnt want to think that it was all I had thought about in the last hour. Lastly his gold watch which he always wore was situated in the normal position on his wrist, im sure havent seen him go one day without the watch since he got it, a metal cross necklace hung from his neck and he was just grabbing his leather jacket.

"You ready beautiful?" he asked shrugging on his jacket that tied the whole look together, I nodded, grabbed the keys and walked up to him " you look handsome " I said kissing him on the cheek. "Thankyou babe" he said as we locked up and went to find he taxi we had called.

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