Chapter 6 Joe

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Me and Sophie were having an amazing time, we were laughing and joking, I even made her blush a couple of times. I loved just being able to be myself around her, even if I did zone out a couple of times and had to knock some sence in.

However after filming it became apparent how awkward it could be without anyone else in the house, as dad had gone out to work and was then going with his friend on holiday and Zoe was up at Alfies.

Sophie and me sat there looking at the floor hardly speaking for half a hour, before she suggested watching a film, I agreed maybe I could even try out the classic move on her. You know the one, I laughed I knew how cheesy it was and how much she hated it.

We ran up to Zoe's room and searched high and low for her DVD collection, however in the end all we could find where the disney films that me and my sister loved. When I suggested watching a disney film, Sophie's green eyes glistened "I adore Disney films, so why not? what would you like to watch?" she said pulling the basket of videos and DVD's onto Zoes bed.

After arguing which film was the best, we both decided that nothing could beat an old classic like The lion king, and whilst Sophie was setting it up, I went and collected pillows and blankets from upstairs, that we would snuggle in. I arrived down stairs just as Sophie was finishing set up.

I slumped down in one corner of the sofa thinking Sophie would sit next to me, instead she grabbed a pillow and the other end of the blanket that I had over me and sat down in the other corner. I looked over in surprise, shock my head and then watched the film.

By the time 'I just cant wait to be king' came on and me and Sophie where singing, I was starting to get hungry, just as I was about to ask about tea when our phones bleeped letting us know we each had a message, we looked at each other giving the 'thats strange' look. YEAH I know but we have certian looks okay... and both turned our attention away from each other, to the text, I was almost done replying to Alfie (who the text was from) when she asked me what I wanted for tea, the pizza that Zoe was having sounded so nice, if Sophie wanted pizza I was sold. She agreed that it sounded nice and ordered one in.

It tasted amazing, it was one of the best pizza's that I have ever tasted, however I dont know if it was because I had my favourite flavour combination on a pizza or if the girl I really liked, was eating my favourite pizza and looking extremely sexy whilst doing it. Dont ask me how she managed to do it as to this day I couldn't tell you.

All that combined made it feel like I was on what was sort of a date.

Her green eyes shone brightly as the reflection of the tv and lights rebounded off them. I had just finished my pizza, and was staring at her hoping that she would move closer when she laid her head in my lap, she looked up at me with her big green eyes, blew a kiss, turned towards the tv and whispered goodnight.

I smiled, she was led so peacefully on my lap and soon I could hear soft but deep breathing coming from her. I brushed back her hair from her face, it was so soft, I knew she loved people messing with her hair so I began stroking it, soft moans of happiness can from her beautiful lips.

Before I knew it I was dreaming about what life would be like with her not by my side, It was scary and probably true, I had learnt a lot from her and I wouldn't be where I was at the moment without her.

A movement around my leg area woke me up, my eyes fluttered open, blurred, everything was blurred, I blinked several times before my eyesight registered that it was needed.

I looked down towards my lap, only to see Sophie looking up at me, love and care filled her eyes, and I felt her love flow into me before I knew it my lips touched her forehead. A spark radiated through me, completely melting me from the inside out, my heart stopped for a beat or so, my hearing hightened, my breathing ragged and I shook inside. I released my lips from her head, slowly, and heard a big sigh, my eyes slowly opened to see Sophie's flutter.

Suddenly her eyes went wild. She looked like a dear in the headlights of a oncoming car, she looked at me, touched her head and then bolted.

As she left the heat and breath in my body vanished, I chocked on nothing. When I regained my composure I thought about what I had done and how it had obviously spooked her. I prayed that she was okay and ventured away from the sofa trying to find her.

I didn't take long before I came across soft sobbing noises, coming from behind Zoe's door, I knocked, the crying stopped and a breath of air was released.

"Joe...?" the voice questioned, it sounded so vulnerable, like a wounded animal, it broke my heart to hear that I had caused her to sound that way. "Yes...?" I replied softly, kneeling down to the bottom of the door, where she was probably sat on the other side."Why did you kiss me?" the voice whispered after a long intake of breath. 'Truth time Joe' I said inside, as I let my feelings that I had felt, just then, that led up to the kiss, loose.

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