Chapter 51 -Sophie and Dan (The talk)

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~Sophie's pov~

I watched as Joe's eyes scanned me up and down before landing at my neck, his eyes grew wide and his mouth flayled from open to shut serval times before he chose to kept his mouth closed and diverted his eyes to the floor. I sighed, was he just going to stand there or was he actually going to say something. I placed my hand on my hip and sloughed, what? If I was going to wait I could atleast do it standing comfortably.

"What do you want Joe?" I huffed, starting to get annoyed, when he didn't answer I looked at Dan and he just shook his head, I'm guessing he had no clue either. I waited for a few minutes, hoping he would atleast try and break the silence, sadly he didn't, he just stared at the floor, hands behind his back looking terribly depressed.

I huffed and began to pace the room like a caged animal, I had no idea what to say, do or how to act and by the looks of it neither did he. "Joe?" I finally asked stopping in the middle of the room, he looked up and smiled sadly at me "yeah?" he whispered gently. To say I was shocked with what he had answered was not the point, the point was that he had answered me, that he was willing to talk and sort this situation out was.

I smiled softly at the man who looked totally down and out on his luck, he looked wounded and lost. "Why?" I asked softly walking over and sitting on our bed. I looked over at Dan for support and he smiled and gave me a look asking if I was okay, I nodded and smiled back sadly, unsure as to where this convosation was heading.

~Dan's pov~

I watched as sophie nodded back at me with a small smile and I could tell she was upset, it must have been hard going though this even if it was for a couple of hours and one complete accident. I sighed and looked over at Joe, he looked lost, as if everything had been taken from him. How this happen to two of my good friends, I had no idea but I was going to try my hardest to fix it.

Joe finally sighed and began to walk towards Sophie who was sat over on the bed, I tensed up, what was he going to do? Could I trust him again? especially around her? I watched carefully, ready to pounce if he gave me the wrong impression or Sophie wanted him to stop, as Joe made his way over to the bed in the corner of the room.

He slowly sat on the bed and I watched as Sophie's eyes began to widen and she tried to catch my attention. I gave her a questionable look and she motioned her head toward the small gap inbetween the two of them. I made an 'O' face and walked over to the bed, sitting carefully inbetween the two figures. Although I was as tough and intimidating as a pink butterfly stuck to a marshmallow I tried my best to warn Joe to back off and give Sophie a little bit of space.

Thankfully it worked and he scooted away a couple of centimeters. "So why Joe?" Sophie asked looking around me to see him. He sighed and looked at her, I leant back and listened to what he was going to say.

Ten minutes later:-

"So thats why I was so angry, why I took it out on you and phil, i'm sorry, Marcus just made me believe something was going on" Joe said throwing his hand up and lying on the bed in disgust. Sophie looked as if she was thinking his answer through when she stood up and began pacing the length of the room again.

She sighed softly and turned to look at the two of us casually sat on the bed, she smiled softly at me before clearing her throat to speak. "So you really thought me and connor had a relationship behind your back even though I told you serval times that me and Connor never felt that way?" She asked Joe, who was still led down on the bed. "I know its a stupid reason and I know I shouldn't of hurt you but I was just so angry I saw red" Joe sighed loudly sitting up, placing his hands in his lap.

"Joe you know that me and Connor don't feel that way and yet you chose Marcus over me, why?" She sighed her hand tugging at her chestnut hair. I must admit she was a pretty girl, if Joe wasn't In there I would ask her out myself but that was not the point right now, the point right now was that she needed to be happy and safe in this relationship and I was going to make sure of that.

Joe stared at her as if he had no idea, "Honestly Sophie I have no idea and thats the second worst part" he sadly said geting off the bed. Her eyes widened and I stiffered as he approached her, his arms widened as if to offer her a hug. She stood still, scared as if she was a rabbit in headlights, Joe came closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. At first she was still and just stared out at the blank wall behind me, then she started to struggle, whimpering as Joe held her tighter, digging his hands into her.

I shot off the bed and made my way over the scene as quickly as I could. Sophie's eyes were wide and she was trying to push Joe away but he wasn't giving up, he held on telling her to calm down. I grabbed his arm and pulled, trying to atleast distract him. He held his ground and pulled the arm back to her, pushing me off, I lost my balance and landed on the floor with a bang.

Sophie at this point had began to scream for help, and even Joe was struggling to keep a hold of her. I shook my hair from my eyes and stumbled back up, I grabbed both of Joes arms and tugged them behind of him, he was restained however he still had a tight grip on Sophie's clothing. 

Phil, Connor, Caspar and Alfie appeared at the door, obviously hearing the screams and banging from the other room and soon rushed into help. Alfie came and grabbed one of Joes arms off me, so's I could hold one arm tighter, Connor stood inbetween the two (Sophie and Joe) and tried telling to him to let go, whilst Phil and Caspar tried to free her from the grip.

When Phil had managed to get Sophie to agree to take her jumper off so that Joe didn't have a grip on her, She ran to him and burried her head into his chest, her breathing heavy and tears where spilling from her eyes. Phil comforted her and began to take her away from the room, which only make Joe angrier, he pulled more, screaming at all of us to let him go, shouting swear words our way. Me and Alfie tighted our grips and dragged Joe back to the bed where he was pinned to the cover by the four of us.

When he had stopped struggling and he began pleading with us to let him go we go off one by one and stood by the edge of the bed, cautious, ready to grab him if necessary.

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