Chapter 64- Zoe, Phil's, Caspars and Dans

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~Zoe's Pov~

It was lovely to see them holding hands again, to see them smile, to actually see that Sophie's once loved grin was slowly appearing again. They acted as if nothing had ever happened, that they were still the perfect couple, they looked so close, so in love. It was a strange but happy site.

To think that the boy who was crying, something he hardly ever did, who had truly given up on life, was actually smiling, laughing and loving life all within a few hours was a beautiful thing to witness. Also to see Sophie and how she now glowed with happiness as opposed to the Sophie who was just trying to feel emotion by hurting herself, was the best feeling in the world.

Everything seemed perfect for now I just hoped it would stay that way.

~Phil's Pov~

I watched as they all walked back through the front door, their clothes drenched, their hair stuck to their red, cold and wet faces. Sophie was shivering and both Dan and Joe had their arms around her, sharing body temperature. We all stood up quickly and rushed to their aid, both Zoe and Niomi bringing towels and Marcus bringing each of them a spare pair of clothes.

I smiled at Dan softly as he pulled away from Sophie and looked up at me, he sighed and avoided my eye contact, he just stared straight down and walked on upstairs. I was confused everything seemed fine earlier, had something happened?

I looked round the room to see everyone babying Sophie and Joe, so I sighed and walked to the stairs, travelling up the first step, only to be pulled back. I turned and saw Sophie holding onto my jacket sleeve, her eyes were slightly red and full of fresh tears, she looked as though she would burst into tears.

"Phil, just try and make him happy again, I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt him, I just want him to be okay" She said struggling to keep her voice at one pitch, I nodded and turned back to walk up the stairs.

I gulped and walked into our room, not even bothering to knock, I knew what Dan would be doing, I knew he would be curled up on the floor or the bed, his knees against his chest and in his arms the small teddy I once gave him. Tears wouldn't be pouring down his face but a few stray ones would softly travel across his olive skin, his nose would sniffle and he would be slightly shaking trying to keep himself from having a melt down.

I walked in through the door and there it was, the scene, exactly how I imagined and knew what it would be like. I sighed and sat down on the bed, wrapping one arm around the stiff figure, who sniffled and turned towards me slowly.

"Phil" He whispered, "Yeah?" I answered quietly, holding him closer. "It hurts, more than it should" he sighed, tears leaking from his dark brown eyes. "It will for a while but you'll be okay, we'll be okay, you'll find someone else, someone better" I said trying to dry his eyes with the back of my hand, without making him or myself feel too uncomfortable.

"But thats just it Phil" he said looking me straight in the eye. "I dont want to find someone else"

~Caspar's Pov~
I watched as Joe trasped through the door, his arm softly draped around Sophie's waist, his jacket huddled around her shoulders. He was soaked, they all were, the water physically dripped from them onto the floor below. Marcus and the two girls gave them the things they would need to get dry but I could see something else was wrong.

I looked at Sophie over Zoe's shoulder and raised an eyebrow, she softly shook her head and bit her lip as she looked up at me. I sighed and nodded, hopefully we could speak later.

I watched as Joe took a towel from Niomi, thanked her and then grabbed his clothes from Marcus, pushing past everyone till he reached the stairs. He turned and thanked everyone for helping before walking up the stairs slowly, his head held high.

I waited till, everyone had finished crowding Sophie before I walked up and wrapped her up into a big hug, to which at first just caused her to stand still, before gripping me hard, sobbing loudly.

Zoe rushed up to us but I shook her off, telling her to back off for a minute, Sophie needed space and a hug and she couldn't do that with people fussing. "Thankyou" she whispered as she released me and dried her eyes.
A small smile slowly crossed her face and she sighed, "thank you, everybody I know today has been a challenge and I want to thank you for not giving up on either of us and for helping me through everything".

She then picked up her clothes,the towel and left the room.

~Dan's Pov~
Seriously what was I thinking, there was no way Sophie would like me, we were only friends and she was madly in love with Joe, she would never like me.

I always knew this was going to be the answer, I knew she would always turn me down, that there would, could never be a chance of us together. However it still hurt, more than anything I had ever felt.

Part of me wanted to hate her for making me feel like shit, hoped that maybe she felt bad but the other half wanted me to pull her close, kiss her lips, whisper words of love to her, fall asleep by her side, to hear her heartbeat, to see her every single night and morning next to me. Yep I had it bad.

It was such a ridiculous thing, It was only one girl that was causing me to feel this way, I mean people should not be able to affect others like that, in fact I've never felt it for anyone. Maybe I have felt a tiny bit of protectiveness and love for Phil but this was on a different scale.

Sophie caused my mind to think things I shouldn't think about, my whole body to shake, me to feel so relaxed and happy, happier that I had ever felt. She made me nervous to the point butterflies entered my stomach when she was near. She made my body tingle when she touched me.

And to make matters worse, she apologised for making me feel this way, she had actually made me force back my tears, literally to the point that my whole body shook and I couldn't contain some of them.

Oh well I needed to suck it up for now, she was happy, thats all I cared about, if she was okay I would be too however it didn't mean I was going to trust Joe around her. Yes sometimes they were allowed alone together but I would always check up on her.

I would always be there to look out for her. She was like a little sister but not at the same time.

I just wished she was in my arms right now, so I could hold her, feel her, just be near her. Thats all I needed.

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