Chapter 18 Sophie

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I was in so much pain when I awoke, I was sore and felt like I had fallen down 5 concrete staircases, I ached. "Owch.. thats painful" I screamed gripping my side, as I tried to sit myself up to look around, a hand was placed on my back and began to help me get into a comfortable position. I turned my head to see Joe smiling happily at me, however I also noticed the painful look that showed in his eyes. I gave him a smile and said thankyou whilst he went and sat down next to me, he sat down, silence, nothing, he just stared off into space, something was wrong.

After 5 minutes I decided to ask him "Joe... whats wrong? The look in your eyes says everything so dont say it's nothing, now spill it " I stared at him, he huffed and grabbed my hand  "I dont know how to say this, but.... the police have found out who stabbed you last night", I sat up straighter, I was so happy, I just wanted to know why and who it was.

"Really.... who?" I said desepatly, I had to plead with Joe to find out who it was, however when he finally told me, my stomach felt like it was in knotts, it couldnt be her. "It was kerry, are you sure?, I mean she was my best friend in secondary school and sixth form, why would she want to kill me?" I sat there my head in my hands unsure of why and what I had done. "Sophie I really don't know what you did, if you even did anything, but wasn't kerry always trouble" Joe said stroking my back and kissing me on the forehead softly.

It was true, she really was trouble in fact in year 12 of sixthform she got arrested, for starting a fight outside with her ex, she was drunk and she almost killed him. I started to worry, what if she did it again when she got out. I was scared so much, I was physically shaking and crying, Joe was frantically trying to calm me down, worried someone might of thought he had upset me.

It took me forever to calm down, but I was glad Joe was there to help me through it, it was going to be a tough couple of months, what with healing and the case. Finally, after the effects the tears left on my face had wore away, a doctor entered my cubical, he checked my stitches over and asked if I was okay before saying that I could go after I had signed some paper work.

I nodded and began to collect my stuff together. Joe helped me gather everything up and went to make a phone call, whilst I signed the paper work. I took so long, almost 30 mins, by the time I had finished Joe had come back saying a taxi would be here soon, I smiled and kissed him slightly on the cheek. 

Joe carried the bag, that the boys had brought our stuff in whilst I carried the cuddly toys everyone had brought me yesterday.When we reached the door, I stopped and couldn't help but cry, outside the window stood all my friends. All the guys were there, Jim and Tanya, Marcus and Niomi, Caspar and his girlfriend, Alfie and Zoe, Troye, Tyler, Connor franta and Sawyer and in the middle of them was my puppy, with something tied around his neck. I went to walk out the door to greet them all, however Joe grabbed my arm, I looked at him quizzically not sure what he was doing, "Sophie, I should of done this ages ago and im sorry I didn't get to do it last night but something sorta came up, now Bailey's got something for you from me" he said leading me outside, hand in hand.

I walked up to everyone and said hello, before bending down to pick up my puppy. I dropped the cuddly toys, picked up Bailey, I stood up, he was squirming in my arms, I took the note from his collar and unrolled. Written in the neatest handwriting ever there was a message that read, 'Sophie, I have been meaning to ask you this for sometime now and I will not give you any of the lame excuses I have said to myself as to why I shouldn't do this. As you probably know, there's this girl I really like and I would like to ask her out, however I not sure if she likes me like that or not, so Sophie I'm asking you, as a best friend or something more? Do you like me more than a ....friend.....?

If its a yes will you go on a date with me?' . With tears I my eyes I gave Bailey and the note to Alfie and turned to speak to Joe, however I saw him knelt at my feet, looking up at me helplesly,  he too had tears in his eyes.

I knelt down smiling at him and couldn't help but hug him, "Joe, its a yes, IT'S ALWAYS BEEN A YES" I cried hugging him, I felt his arms around me and felt him rubbing my back to stop me from crying, I moved back abit to look at him, he had a few tears running down his face, "Sophie I thought I lost you yesterday and that is never going to happen ever again, I didn't even know what to do with myself , when you were led there, I just wanted this to be special" he said crying and laughing at the same time. I looked at him and smiled, "Joe, I really do love you" before kissing him softly, in which he returned with a little more force .

When the kiss had finished I stood up slowly, trying not to pull out the stitches, and then helped Joe up, we looked at each other and laughed, we looked a mess, we turned to the other to see most of them in tears, I smiled softly and walked over to Tanya,  who was blubbering, I wrapped her up in a huge hug and whispered a gaint thankyou in her ear, I then did the same to Jim who was slightly crying.

I then moved to Tyler and Troye who were tearing up, I thanked them for coming and asked them about their trip here, we spoke a while until I went to see Connor, who out of the boys from America was my favourite,  Connor was the first person who got me into this scene and I was thankful to him everytime I saw him. Me and him were very close and we just seemed to click when we met for the first time, however we could never have what me and Joe had and Connor knew and was happy that we were only friends.

Zoe and Alfie were the last people i spoke to as Joe had gone off with Sawyer somewhere and the others were all talking to each other. Zoe and Alfie who were just as bad as each other and wrapped me up in a gaint hug, they were like my brother and sister, they even had me in tears when Zoe started to say about what she would do with out me.

However after a while, everyone was laughing and joking so Caspar invited everyone back to his house, we all ordered taxis and by the time they had arrived Sawyer and Joe still weren't back. I decided to text Joe, 'Hey babe, love you but were all going back to Caspar's, meet you both there?' . Within no time at all I got a reply back, Joe:' Hey baby, wow I can't believe I get to write that in a text to you, sorry I had to pop out for some stuff for our first date tonight, if thats okay that is? But be there soon, miss you'.

I couldn't believe he had set up a date tonight, he did like me I was so happy, 'Absolutely Perfect babe, see you soon and miss you too xx'. I felt like the happiest person on earth, we reached Caspars flat within a record time, I was struggerling to get out the car with Bailey when Joe pulled up, he got out the car and rushed over to help me. "Need help there, beautiful miss" he said giving me a bow and a hand,  I smiled taking his hand and helping myself out the door, "Sorry I have a boyfriend" I said winking at him and going to walk away towards the door. He smiled, chased after me and we linked arms before walking into Caspars flat arm in arm.

We chatted for a while and decided that another party should happen soon in order to make up for the crappy one that had happened last night. I had a good time talking with the guys however alot of them had to leave to catch their train home. In the end it was just me, Joe, Marcus, Niomi,  Alfie,  Zoe and Caspar as his girlfriend had to leave.

"Wow Caspar this is a change, that your the only one with out a girlfriend" Marcus laughed. "Even Joes got one now" Alfie said insulting Joe who decided to take offecence, " Alfie I just wanted to meet the best person for me is that such a crime" Joe argued back, before storming off into our room, Alfie sat there stunned at Joes actions, infact everyone except me was surprised. I got up " dont worry Alfie, he didn't mean to snap but his emotions are a little high at the moment, give me a couple of minutes alone with him and he will be fine" I said walking upstairs.

I reached the top of the stairs and breathed deeply before knocking on the door to our room, it opened straight away on its own. I pushed it open slowly to reveal the bedroom, I walked in scanning the room until I spotted Joe sat on the bed with his head in his hands, sobbing gently. I walked over to him slowly and knelt down in front of him, holding onto his knees for support, I looked at him though his arms, I ruffled his hair before standing up and sitting on the bed next to him. He grabbed me in a sobbing hug, and I let him, he really was a softy inside, I patted his back and whispered to him that it would all be alright. He pulled back and looked at me, tears overflowing his eyes, "Sophie how can you be so strong? What if things dont work out?".

And thats when it hit me!

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