Chapter 44 -Connor

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"Hurry up dude!" Sophie shouted down the hallway at me "We're going to be late picking them up!". I sighed and rolled my eyes, she was such a drama queen at times. I grabbed my keys and my beanie off the bed, I tucked the beanie onto my head so's only my quiff was showing. I checked in my bedroom mirror to fuss with a few strands of hair before striding into the hallway to see a pissed off Sophie glaring at me, she opened the door and motioned her head toward it as if she was guiding me out my own house. I laughed and shook my head jokingly whilst walking with my head down past Sophie and out the door.

Marmite, who was my new cat, sat on the porch, staring at the world rushing by him. He saw me and stretched, clawing at the ground, his arms outstretched before coming up and rubbing against my leg, I had definitely made the right choice, he was lovely at times he was independant but other times he loved a fuss and my cuddles. He also loved to play and chase things. I petted him before walking to my car and letting Sophie in. We strapped ourselves in and I started the engine, whilst Sophie put in the CD of songs we had both chosen into the cd player, I turned the key and the engine roared to life, I checked my mirrors to make sure no one was behind me and drove away.

We arrived at the airport and decided to pay for an hour in the car park. We jumped out the car and whilst I went to get a ticket Sophie wrote a sign saying 'Youtubers welcome to LA!' in bubble writing, we would hold this up as the others came into the main airport lobby and they would be able to find us. I arrived back at the car to place the ticket in the windscreen to see Sophie texting Joe telling him to look out for her banner. I tucked the ticket on the dashboard and we made our way inside to await the arrival of the others.

We walked to the front door and stopped, we could see alot of people had gathered in the lobby holding posters, signs, mobile phones, cameras and pressents for the youtubers coming to LA. This was bad news if we went in we would be swarmed by fans however if we waited for them to walk up to us, they would be mobbed by the fans too, I looked at Sophie and she looked desperate, we didnt have a clue how to avoid this situation. We looked at each other for a minute or two before agreeing that it was best to go in and get rid of a few fans before the others ventured our ways. We took a deep breath and walked to the sliding doors together.

The doors open and for a few seconds it sounded like a normal airport that was until a huge roar sounded and suddenly we were both swamped by fans. I looked around to see Sophie completely freaking out. She got panic attacks quite often and I didnt want her having one now. I swam through the crowd towards a scared and shaking Sophie, people along the way asked for autographs and photos which I would give when one of my best friends wasn't looking like a deer caught in headlights. I reached Sophie and wrapped her up in a hug, she was physically shaking and I had to get her away from the big crowd. I grabbed her around the waist and led her through the crowd over to a clear space I could just see over the sea of heads.

Once we were out of the crowd Sophie began to breathe properly again and she stopped shaking. "If they lined up that would be okay, its just big crowds around me, freak me out" she said once she was able to breathe normally again. I nodded and made my way over to the fans, they all screamed as I came closer. I walked up to them and I was automatically swarmed again. "Guys if you line up me and Sophie will take what ever photo you want... within reason or will write you an autograph or what ever but please one at a time" I shouted to the masses and soon the group had merged into a line.

Me and Sophie were almost halfway through the group and half way through the 1 hour we had on the car when another roar echoed through the lobby, we soon understood why. Emerging from a corridoor was Caspar wearing his hideous marmite patterned trousers and a white top, jim and tanya, Louise and Zoe, Alfie, Dan and Phil, marcus and Niomi and last but not least Joe Sugg who didn't get far before tripping up.

They waved at the fans who screamed some more before they noticed us.

Joe, even though he's one of the smallest and was the last to enter, spotted us first, he smiled at us before running over to us his luggage rolling behind him and a dog cage slapping at his side. Sophie started to run and soon they reached each other, greating the other person in a huge hug and kiss which resulted in the crowd awwing, screaming and taking photos. The others follwed Joe and we were soon chatting and meeting each other again.

2 hours later

"I had to go back to the car three times since you arrived" I said rushing the group as we gathered in the mini van ment for 14 I had hired for the weekend. "I know I thought that crowd was never gonna go away " Alfie said from the back seat, we all agreed and started to head back to my house before traveling two days later to the hotel we would stay in for the whole of playlist. We arrived after a 40 minute drive since it took about 20 mins to exit the airport and everyone grabbed their bags and headed to their individual rooms I had set up for them.

Whilst the got themselves comfortable and they started to make themselves at home I decided to order some food for all of us, in the end I ordered 5 large pizza all different and alot of extras because I knew they would eat alot. When they finally started venturing into the living room, which is where me and marmite had been for the last hour. when everyone arrived and had a seat we started a whole group chat about the next couple of days and playlist, ideas and rules were put up and if you broke them you would be punished.

Whilst everyone had been setting up the plates and cutlery for the pizza, Joe came over to meto askabout his beloved dog. "Connor im just wondering if I can let Bailey in from the backgarden now, its starting to get dark and he normally doesnt stay out at night?" Joe pleaded, running his hands through his hair making it stick up in all directions, I nodded Bailey needed to come in he just looked to sad out there staring through the window at us.  "Maybe him and marmite might get on they are only little and haven't had a bad experience with each other, lets try it" I said to Joe whilst opening the door, "thanks dude" Joe said before getting attacked by the puppy.

Bailey had definitely gotten bigger since I last saw him, however when I met him they had only had him about two weeks, he was now the size of a small westie and was becoming a right little trouble maker. Once Bailey had carmed down and our food had been eaten i decided it was time to let Bailey meet my cat, I just hoped they got on. I went upstairs and found marmite watching something out the window in Marcus' and Niomi's room, I walked in and he purred immediately as if he knew I was there, he then waited a moment before turning and walking towards me. He slinked towards me slowly, watching my every move before pouncing and landing on the bed beside me. I smile and stroked him before gathering him up in my arms and taking him down stairs.

I appoarched the room wairily before waiting patiently by the closed doors for the people inside to tell me I could come in. A couple of minutes later a voice sounded through the door telling me that Bailey was led down and relaxed in his dog bed, so I decided that it was now or never and walked in. I closed the door behind me and dropped marmite onto the floor, at first he seemed happy but then he froze, his fur stood up on end and he stopped in his tracks, his stare never leaving Bailey. The puppy decided that cautious was the way to go and appoarched slowly, backing up when ever marmite took a step closer as if he was showing him that marmite was in charge. Soon the two were close enough that Bailey could sniff him, at first he started with just one sniff every couple of seconds but became more confident when Marmite relaxed.

By about ten o'clock they were good friends and loved chasing each other around the living room. "I have no idea what I was so worried about I said to Sophie and Joe as they snuggled up together on the sofa, watching Bailey and Marmite curl up together in the pet bed Joe had brought alone. It was a cute site and I really wanted to take a snap of it for my phone lock screen or something I also knew that twitter and instagram would go crazy over this so pressed the camera logo on my phone , however i was just loading my camera on my phone when Sophies shutter sounded. She had had the same idea as me and was about to post it to facebook, twitter and instagram.

In the next hour the amount of  people in the living room started to dwindle and soon it was only me and Caspar left, Caspar was sleeping on the sofabed so I decided it was time for bed and went upstairs to get changed. I changed and was in bed when I remembered that I was going to take the guys on a tour around LA tomorrow.

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