Chapter 15 Zoe

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It had been about 4 days since I had mentioned the idea to Joe, however I didn't know if he would take it on board or not, hopefully he would. I had also heard from Sophie that her and Joe adopted a puppy in the week. Me and Alfie were looking forward to seeing it, as we were traverling to Bath before the party in london tomorrow, so I could spend time with my dad.

According to Joe, Sophie still had no idea that the party was for her and he was hating every moment of not telling her, which I found sweet. He'd also said that the puppy was a pain but it was adorable, which surprised me as he's quite scared of dogs. If only I could get dad to let me have my guiniepigs. I had already organised everything and what I needed for them, but it was still a no go on convincing him.

I had just finished packing when Alfie ran into my room holding the phone out to me, "it's Joe, he has news"Alfie shouted at me when I wouldn't take the phone straight away. I squealed and grabbed the phone before putting it on loud speaker for me and Alfie to hear.

"Zoe I have decided to do something like your idea except..." Joe said before hesitating "Joe whats your idea?" I said my voice screeching in excitment. He huffed "I was going to sing to her and then get Bailey to come in with a piece if paper attached to his collar asking her if she would like to go on a date with me and become my girlfriend... what do you think?" he said unsure of whether she would like it or not. "I know its cheesy, but doesn't she like that sort of thing?" he said asking me. I smiled "yes, you dumb ass she does just like she loves you, and I love your idea, what song were you thinking?" I asked giggling.

"On my mind the Tyler Ward cover" he said breathing deeply, "it has all my feelings in it" he laughed, I almost cried I knew the song was beautiful and it was a song you'd only think to sing to someone who you really liked.

"Joe...?" I breathed deeply "that's perfect, I would feel so special if anyone did that to me, she'll love it" Alfie then leaned over and whispered "would you?" I nodded and focused on what Joe had to say."Thanks sis, I can't wait to see you and my Boy later, ooh got to go Sophie's coming, byeeee !"he said rushing. "Byeeee" me and Alfie shouted down the phone, he laughed and then the phone went dead.

I led back on the bed and let out a breath, Alfie joined me and turned over to look at me, I smiled as he brushed a strand of hair away from my eyes, you could see the love in his eyes, I felt complete with him next to me. If Joe felt anything like this with Sophie, she was one lucky girl.

I sighed before slowly sitting up, Alfie sat up with me and kissed my forehead before helping me off the bed, I gave him a small smile, "lets go" I said clapping my hands together and grabbing my bag, I gave Alfies room a quick once over and noticed nothing. We walked to the car hand in hand and waved goodbye to Alfies parents before heading to Bath.

The car journey wasn't to bad and since it was a hot day we had the top down, I love the wind blowing though my hair, the sun rays warming my skin and the music surrounding me. 'If only it was sunny everyday' I thought.

We reached my house soon enough and jumped out the car, suddenly the front door opened and a small bark sounded. I heard someone shouted and soon saw Sophie run out the house after a little black and golden brown ball of fur, she soon caught up with it and picked it up. She then smiled at us and came over to greet us both. Joe stood by the door and said "hello", he didn't even look happy to see us. After Sophie had introduced us to Bailey, we all went inside for a drink and cake, which Sophie had been making all morning.

Me, Alfie and Joe were sat in the lounge nestling our cup of teas, whilst Sophie was in the kitchen trying to catch her puppy who had managed to get a hold of her piece of cake.

I looked at Joe, he looked pissed, "Joe?" I questioned "anything wrong?", he turned and glared at me, "yeah your timing". I gave him a questioning look, and he sighed, "sorry, its just you turned up at the wrong time, I was about to make a move". I looked at him, trying not to laugh in the end I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing, Joe gave me a frown and turned away from me. "aww come on Joe, I didnt know? you should of texted".

"Next time text Alfie to say can you wait about ten minutes before arriving" I said giggling on and off. "Next time we will turn up 15 minutes late shall we?". He gave me a small smile, "sorry Zoe it just annoyed me, I didn't mean for you to think that way".

Just as I was about to tell him how much I loved his song choice for tomorrow when Sophie walked in, the puppy trotting behind her, he was cute, no wonder Joe liked him. The puppy looked up at Sophie as she sat down, then looked at Joe before leaping up onto Joe's lap, which was quite high up from the floor.

Tea was cooked around 6 ish and we had managed to film a couple of collaborations for our 4 channels, by the time we finished eating.  Dad had shown up and we decided to spend the evening playing board games and card games. Sophie won 1 board game and 3 games of cards. Joe won 2 board games and had lost at all the card games so far. Dad won  0 board games and 1 game of cards, whereas me and Alfie  between us had won 2 board and 4 card games. When 11 o clock striked on the clock we all decided that we better get some sleep as we'd be traverling mostly tomorrow.

Me and Alfie began to walk towards my bedroom when Sophie opened the door, she grabbed hers and the dogs stuff and headed downstairs, letting us have the bedroom. I was just about to enter my room when Joe called out to Sophie. "Sophie, hunny you can just share my bed tonight, like last night". Sophie blushed but turned and traveled back up stairs.

I entered my room, thankful that Joe was going to share his bed and that she wouldnt have to sleep on the uncomfortable sofa. I got changed, brushed my teeth and hair before wiping my makeup off.  I soon started to yawn and decided to go straight to sleep, I would need it for tomorrow. Alfie followed my lead and soon we were both fully asleep.

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