Chapter 28 -Joe

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After I had finished eating and getting changed I told Sophie the video idea I had. "Really Joe?, you'd tell your fans that were going out ?" Sophie said smiling nervously at me, I could tell she wasn't happy about something so I decided to ask, "whats wrong?" I said walking over to her.
At first she brushed me off and stood with her back to me, I had to find out what was making her upset, so I tucked my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She shivered and giggled before saying in a very small, quite, sniffly voice "I don't want them to hate me, what if they don't like me?".  I grabbed her shoulders and twisted her so's she was looking at me, tears rolled slowly down her face, I slowly traced the tear marks left on her skin with my fingertips. I sighed she pretended she was so strong but inside she was a hurt and confused girl.

I led her toward the bed, sat down and pulled her onto my lap. "Come here" I said pulling her closer and brushing her hair from her eyes. She snuggled against me, I sighed I felt so calm with her near. "Sophie, if I tell my fans, some of course would hate you only because they would be jealous, yeah mean comments may spread but just remember Im here I will always love you and there are alot more of my fans that love me no matter who I date and will accept and love you no matter what".

"Plus" I laughed tickling her slighly, so's that she would cheer up. "I dont understand why anyone would hate you, your a beautiful, incredible and the most awesome person I know besides myself of course". She giggled and shoved my shoulder, "really, you believe that?" she said looking up at me with pleading eyes.

I nodded "Yeah babe, I want to do this video to show people how much I like you, and I also was hoping we could tell our stories of how we knew we liked each other, thats if you dont mind. Sophie looked at me, her eyes twinkling, "I'd love that Joe" she said before kissing me on the forhead, getting up and carrying the breakfast stuff down stairs.

35 minutes later

We had just set up the video recording stuff, when I grabbed Sophie around the waist, tipped her back before kissing her full on the lips," you ready to show the world our love for each other?" I said standing her up straight and letting her go. She smiled "course, why wouldnt I ?", I shrugged and sat down on the sofa in front of the camera whilst Sophie stood behind it and pressed record. 
I waved to the camera and said hello, before going to talk about a couple of things that would be happening soon like the fact playlist was coming up and that I was going to be in LA a week after. After I finished the section on hanging out with the other youtubers and that people should expect more videos featuring Connor, Louise, Dan and Phil, Troye and Tyler, I paused and glanded at Sophie, this was it.

"So guys your probably wondering what the something special is in this video, (since 'Something special to tell you' was the name of the video), im glad to say the time has come to update you on that. So you guys should know my friend Sophie ( i said to the camera as Sophie sat down next to me), she's also known as Sophie'sSpecial and you have probably noticed that recently we have been hanging around and doing alot of videos together".

"Well.... (I said pausing before looking at Sophie who nodded slightly) ... there are two reasons for this. One. because I get on with her really well because we were best friends since the age of 4 and Two. because...."  WE'RE DATING!!"  we shouted together, holding each others hands.

" Sorry girls, its offical we are an item" Sophie spoke to the camera, her smile was getting bigger and brighter with every word she was saying "..nd I couldnt ask for a better boyfriend, you see me and Joe developed very odd feelings for each other around the same time and we would just like to share them with you, so Joe ... would you like to tell them your story?" Sophie said turning to look at me, her eyes were sparkling with happiness and her smile was bigger than ever. " Of course I would babe, so where to begin? " I smiled grabbing Sophies hand, I was nervous, I had never opened up to any of my fans like this, let alone in a video.

After telling both of our stories we ended the video introducing Bailey and having Sophie fall off my knee by accident. Laughing Sophie went to turn off the video.

I then updated my status on twitter " Just filmed a very important video, when its uploaded watch right to the end :)" and within seconds people were asking what it was about, just like last night people were guessing the most random things. I looked up to see Sophie smiling at her phone, " ooo, you are cruel Joseph, letting them guess" she then winked at me before grabbing her laptop and sitting next to me "let's edit this video so's they can finally stop guessing", she said finally getting this video idea started, I just hoped everyone wouldn't be so harsh on her.

Almost 3 hours later:

"Its done, its just loading, time to tell everyone" Sophie said hitting send on her Twitter status, I smiled and copied suite pressing send, which included the link to the video that was telling the world about our relationship. " Here you go guys my new 'Something special to tell you video', hope you like" the tweet was sent and soon people were messaging me  saying 'thanks for putting it up as soon as possible'. 
For a while me and Sophie just stared at our phones none of them buzzing, Suddenly Sophie's did, ten minutes after the video was realeased, I scooted over to look at the message. I looked at it and I knew I had to respond, the tweet Sophie had just recieved was from a girl called '@thatssovalsugg' and was stating that it was a fan made video that someone had made, and wasn't true. I grabbed my phone which as I was typed started to bleep with the amount of tweets that were coming through. I hit send with rage, I was so mortified that someone thought all my feelings for Sophie were all made up by some fan!.

"Babe" Sophie said softly, "look at all the other comments" pulling me back down onto the sofa. My eyes flickered through the many updating tweets and apart from one or two negative comments everyone was either so happy for us, was awwing over the soppiness of our stories or was glad we both felt the same way.

Seeing all the good comments I decided to look back at the tweet I had just sent, ' @thatssovalsugg,  I cant believe you think that a fan could just make up thoses feelings, I have took a chance and have opened up to all of you, please dont make me regret it'. I felt ultimately sorry for her however I was so frustrated that she didnt think I could ever feel this way.

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